The keto journey has surprised me every day as I research ways to cut unecessary carbs out of my diet. Since knowledge is power, I’m going to save you time and share 10 things you didn’t know had carbs.

10 Things You Didn’t Know Had Carbs
I loooove fruits, but on my weight loss journey and working on reducing carbs, I had to radically cut this healthy item out of my menu.

1 banana has 27 carbs, yes, you read it right!
So on stage one of my weight loss, I have restricted my fruit intake to once a week and berries which have less carbs:

Most Gummy Vitamins
Mine has 5 carbs per serving, but I will continue to take them, as a part of immune boosting to make sure I get all the vitamins, especially when I’m on keto.

Apple Cider Vinegar Gums
I take Goli and 2 gummies have 4 carbs.

Some Flavored `Water Beverages
Beware that some flavored water beverage have carbs!

Some keto–friendly beverages are flavored with small amounts of real fruit juice, which adds natural flavor and sweetness while keeping the carb count relatively low – usually 1–5 grams of net carbs per serving. You must however also bear in mind that while flavoured water is often sugar-free, which is a plus, it also often contains a high level of citric acid since its flavourings are strong, especially in the case of citrus fruits. A flavoured water can have an acidic level as high as pH 3, when normal water has a pH between 6 and 8. Acid erosion of teeth is more likely when the pH level of food or drink is less than 0.7 (0-7). Enamel can corrode and lead to tooth decay, and unfortunately there is no way to repair enamel. In the case of such an event, it would be important for you to know How to find an emergency dentist!
No one wants to have such a situation – which leads to a bad diet and eventually, teeth problems! I, however, prefer to drink flavored water with no carbs, Splash Water has 0 carbs and only 5 calories!
It also has many flavors and I can find it everywhere!

Low Fat Smoothies
Between the milk, protein powder, fruits, your healthy smoothie ends up being loaded with carbs and calories!
I make mine with Keto Protein, water and crushed ice! Such a great way to have a low carb smoothie!

While sucralose itself is calorie-free, Splenda contains maltodextrin and dextrose, two carbs that supply about 3 calories and 1 gram of carbs in each packet ( 6 ).
So stay away from Splenda if you’re cutting carbs and add Truvia or Stevia to your list!
I personally prefer the taste of Truvia.

One 20-ounce Gatorade contains a whopping 34 grams of sugar, 36 grams of carbohydrates and almost 150 calories.
The brand’s healthier option, G2, has 7 grams of sugar, 8 grams of carbs, and 30 calories per 12-ounce bottle.
Your choice! This one is also out of my list!
Coconut Water
Coconut water brings Brazil back to my home!
While I love this beverage, according to Carb Manager, I bottle/container has 20 carbs.
Think about that!
Kani Kama
One stick has 13 grams of carbs!
I love adding it to salads or as a snack, so I removed it from my list!
I had no idea it had so many carbs, since most seafood options have low carbs!
Low Fat Yogurt
Low–fat, fruit-flavored varieties have more than 40 grams of carbs in an 8-ounce serving! Crazy right?
For a lower–carb alternative, try Greek yogurt.
The plain, no-fat variety has about 9 grams of carbs for the same size serving, and it also packs more protein than the regular option.
This is one of my favorite brands, but I must confess, I only eat yogurt once a week!

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[…] You can read more about other surprising things that have carbs HERE. […]