Usually the Holiday Season makes me a little sad, because I can’t spend it with my family in Brazil. But this year, in particular, because we couldn’t even see our friends … no open house to celebrate the season either. So I decided to share some thoughts on Making Christmas Memories (At Home).
Making Christmas Memories (At Home)

It’s important to make the best of it!
Every time I think about Christmas Joy, it brings me back to our Disney Trip!
That was a trip we will never forget! So I have taken some of those memories and brought the joy back to our own home Christmas this year!
I mean, we did all the basic things like preparing the house for the festive season, doing basic renovations and upgrades beforehand, collecting decorations for the house, etc.
I may also decide to do renovations like front door replacement in Denver (or elsewhere), but for now, we are keeping it simple.
This is my son’s last year of high school and I am not sure with his college schedule, how the future Christmases will be!
So why not create some memories and enjoy the season together?

Baking is an easy way to bond the family together!
Bake A Little, Or A Lot With Your Kids
My son really enjoys baking cookies, so I gave him that duty and we’ll be making them together today!
I’ll remind him of the milk and cookies that welcomed us at the Grand Floridian, when we experienced Christmas at Disney!

Gingerbread House Fun
How about making a gingerbread house night?
Pre -made parts, each child/teen has one to work on!
That also reminded me of the unveiling of the life size Gingerbread house at the Grand Floridian!

Such a magnificent work of art!

My son was 6’4″ then, you can see how tall the house is!

Oh, Christmas Tree

Instead of one, we have two Christmas Trees this year! The live one outdoors, for extra magic!

I will never forget snowing on Main Street and how beautiful it was. Moreover, since we celebrated Christmas that year in outdoors, you could see tents outside the houses (people might have looked for 40×100 party tents for sale in our neighborhood to get those) in their backyards filled with different food items, and people having drinks together and enjoying. It’s completely opposite to this year’s Christmas celebration.

I’ve added some Main Street Light Glow to my own door! What do you think?

We have other things planned for this week, as well as movies we’re planning on watching here.
All the thoughts in bringing the magic back after a crazy year, instead of regretting not being able to travel, they brought me back to the most important thing – which is that we enjoy the season together!

What will you be doing to celebrate the season?

Can’t wait to hear it!
As usual, give us a Trendy Shout!
You can also check out our experience at Disney here.
Our children grow up so quickly. Good memories are what it’s all about. Very nice post, as usual. =)
We love baking and making gingerbread every year with my kids!
I’m so sorry you won’t be with your family! We never know how long we will be given on this Earth and so it’s important to spend the moments we can with the ones we love. We have a lot of festivities planned for this Christmas with our extended and immediate family, including dinners and parties and a trivia game! We even have some out-of-town friends coming to stay because sadly their own families told them “don’t visit this year.” I just can’t imagine not celebrating the joy and hope of Christmas without my loved ones!
I love making memories with my family! These are such precious memories!
We are also feeling a little sad about not being able to spend the holidays with family and friends. We also love baking. The girls have a blast and then we eat while watching Christmas movies.
This year we planned to bake ginger bread boy of different sizes. It’s really exciting. Can’t wait for tomorrow.
Baking is so fun with family. It’s so memorable when they all help out .
These are all wonderful ideas. It’s so important to create memories at home during the holidays.
These are such fun ideas. This year will be a lot different for so many of us. My daughters and I have already done a lot of baking this year.
We have always celebrated the holidays at home, so this year isn’t much different for us.
Baking is my favorite way of bonding with the kids. We have a ton of favorite Christmas recipes.
Most of our holiday traditions are spent at home anyway. We will be okay.
Traditions is what we remember while growing up. Creating such memories for our kiddos is something we need to continue to do.
I am totally with you. Baking is a great way to bond with kids. It’s fun and they get a tasty treat at the end.
These are some great ideas. We love making cookies and watching movies at home.