Today I bring you a story of how life’s lessons are here to teach you to become a better version of yourself and that faith and gratitude are essential to living a better life: the life of your dreams!
The Hair Problem
A year ago I had a casual hair dresser visit, to a place I had been going to for over 5 years. The same hair dresser I had been going for the previous two years …
The unthinkable happened, she made a mistake and my super long hair turned into a hair ball, literally! I wish I had a picture of the “ball” to show you! All I have is a picture of the aftermath, which doesn’t show how my hair had to be cut shorter in the back and pieces were missing out of it!
My hair was so long and healthy, I was finally proud to wear it without a pony tail!
If you want to read about that experience and my ordeal, you can click HERE.
I decided to share this tragic anniversary on my blog. Not to relive that day, but to tell you the aftermath. To hopefully inspire you to have faith and be grateful, even for the hard times in your life!
After the tragic episode, I went to a photo-shoot in NYC for Oprah Magazine as a part of the OmagInsider Group. I thought about canceling the shoot, as I knew they were expecting three women with long hair….but my new friend Tonya Parker, encouraged me to go anyway. I arrived at the set terrified. But the hairdresser looked at me and gave me that calm look. He said, dear, let me take a look at your hair, and I told him a shorter version of my story.
The Hair Problem Resolved
He looked at me with a smile and opened a large package on his desk with 20 different hair extensions! Why would a hair dresser bring hair extensions for a photo-shoot with women with super long hair? Divine Intervention!
I had an amazing time at the photo-shoot and gave him a huge hug at the end! He literally saved my experience, brought me confidence!
That photo-shoot turned out to be a milestone in my career!
I think I wasn’t myself at the shooting. I probably acted crazy, but all that was to hide how I was really feeling and how much that episode, my hair episode, had messed with my self confidence and almost made me cancel an experience of a lifetime … crazy, huh?
Fast forward a year later, that whole experience taught me a lesson: that God has my back and is here for me, no matter what I’m going through. Hard lessons will come and go to teach us and help us become who we are really meant to be: a better version of ourselves.
Lesson Learned
That whole episode taught me the power of gratitude, more than ever.
I thanked God for the lesson, because it brought a series of miracles to show me that there’s a great force bigger than us, working for our good!
The day I lost my hair, I found a stronger sense of faith and purpose! I found the power of gratitude to be greater than the tragic event.
My business life after that episode became a true fairy tale with wishes fulfilled, one after another!
Gabrielle Bernstein once said:
“Remember, joy is the ultimate creator. When we vibrate at the frequency of joy, we attract everything we need. Dr. Wayne Dyer opens the first principle of Manifest Your Destiny with this: “Within you is a divine capacity to manifest and attract all that you need or desire. By aligning with joy and appreciation, we activate this divine capacity. The combination of having fun and appreciating what’s thriving makes you a magnet for miracles!”
That’s what I want to be, a magnet for miracles!! Even if they come after hard lessons, because I know for sure we’re here to learn some lessons and that’s the only way we will reach our full potential.
Oprah’s wise words:
Allow the joy to rise! Allow life’s lessons to come and teach you to be a better self!
Embrace it all with gratitude!
I hope my story will help you see your current life’s lessons and circumstances differently and will help you see gratitude and faith as the tools to living an amazing life!
Can’t wait to hear what you think, as usual, give us a Trendy Shout!
Life’s challenges teach us to be stronger and better versions of ourselves. Been through a lot, but if there’s one thing that I don’t forget it’s about being grateful because despite challenges, there is always something to be grateful for.
You are strong woman with a beautiful heart. Keep on inspiring people.
Girl, I still get goosebumps every time I hear/read this testimony of yours. Things tend to happen to guide us or teach us something that will build our character and solidify our testimony.
What a great reminder to turn hurdles into opportunities. I love the idea of being a magnet for miracles. I’m ready for it, and willing to hustle to make it happen.
This is why I have always believed that everything happens for a reason! I’m so happy that you went ahead with the photoshoot since it helped open many doors for you. Thank you for sharing your inspiring story! 🙂
You look amazing in the photoshoot. Glad that it brought a life lesson that is so powerful. Thank you for sharing this.
Thanks for sharing your story! Sounds like an experience with a valuable lesson. Life really has a lot of ways to teach us lessons.
I can’t imagine having a serious hair mishap with somewhere I have been going for a while. I am pretty loyal and I would feel betrayed.
Things always work out. If they don’t, it’s not the end!
Oh I’m so glad your hair was saved by an awesome hair dresser. Sometimes mistakes happen, but it sucks when it happens to our hair. It’s such a personal thing. I gave myself bangs last year for a change but I realize I look terrible in all the pictures. So I’m growing my hair out again. No bangs for me ever!
I can’t even imagine having to go through that. Your story is very inspiring and I will definitely try and have more faith in those stressful situations.
It is true that all kinds of experiences teach us lessons and are something we can take from as we move through life. It can be fun to look back and have a laugh, too 🙂
When I was 16 my dad gave me the worst haircut of my life. I can relate to being only left with a hairball. But, that haircut brought me to my husband strangely enough.
Growing up I was always taught that everything happens for a reason even if we don’t know what the reason is. I’m glad everything turned out for you.
I remember when that happened to your hair, and I couldn’t believe it. I’m so glad that fate intervened and you went to the shoot… and the stylist brought extensions. It was such a big step for your career.
That photo shoot is gorgeous. The length of your hair in the picture with the car is how long I am trying to grow mine right now. My worst hair cut turned out to be a good thing for me.
What a story! You saw the bright side and that’s wonderful. Plus, your picture turned out beautifully!
I can’t even imagine how hard this was to go through! Hair is such a big part of who we are, but you uncovered the lesson that was waiting for you.
Thank you so much for sharing your story, it is amazing the different things we learn as life takes us through different lessons isn’t it.
That is so great! I’m so glad to hear it all worked out, and you looked lovely.
I love this! Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. It’s the challenges we face in life that truly bring us success.
I love this! Such a great testimate to how things always come together and how we learn through our life’s lessons! We are works in progress! ❤️