Today is a happy day for me! My business/personal growth podcast has been approved on iTunes! Can’t wait for you to check it out! You can click below to listen to my first episode where I share how to build a vision board that works and how to manifest your goals and dreams using it!
And yes, you can get your own podcast too! Companies like Lower Street can help you understand and curate a podcast for you and your brand, so consider taking professional help!
Remember that a premium audience appreciates real-time interaction with minimal latency during the show. This can, in turn, contribute to the success of the podcast allowing you to generate large revenue. That said, if you want to make your podcast more interactive and more successful, you can check out Agora’s Interactive Live Streaming solutions by going here. Keep in mind that a podcast can be advantageous, both for you and your listeners. It can not only help you earn handsomely but also help your audience deal with their daily lives. Moreover, some people might even get inspired by you and start their own podcasts to help others.Nevertheles, our podcast will be sharing weekly episodes where helping you live your best life is always trending!
To stay tuned and get our weekly freebies, sign up for our newsletter HERE.
You’ll receive a free vision board checklist to get started!
Next week, we will be sharing how to increase website traffic with advanced SEO tips from hubby and SEO expert, Mark Krusch and we’ll be sharing an extra episode on why you have no competition! I can’t wait to share my thoughts on that! If you already use surfer seo, or understand SEO to a degree, this session can be very informative and help you improve your practices. If you don’t have a clue about SEO, this will be a great introduction. Afterward, you’ll hopefully understand SEO a lot more and see how a resource like SEO Recommendations, as well as other digital marketing tips, can help you market your website in the best possible way for increased traffic and targeted audience visibility.
I’m anxious to continue to share this new project with you! So many great interviews already scheduled!
I can’t wait to hear what you think! As usual, give us a Trendy Shout!