I’ve started the new year, as some of you know, trying the whole 30 approach.
One of my friends started a support group on Facebook, which has helped me understand and continue to persevere and pursue a healthier version of me!
I’m not going to lie to you, I’ve tried dieting last summer and the pounds just did not want to come off … so I figured something more strict, my body needed to reset, detox to show me some results!
Even though the whole 30 is a lifestyle, not a diet, I truly believe all the “NOS” in the program are just things we know we should remove from our plate, but we just don’t!
I dove in, I’ve been doing it for two weeks, missing coffee like crazy, still not understanding why I can’t eat carrots and beans, can you imagine a Brazilian not eating beans???? See how I’m committed!!! But besides that, the approach has really helped me see some things I needed to remove and that I will not be bringing back after the 30 days are over.
I will be sharing my journey with you and some recipes I’ve created to make this new approach more delicious and palatable to me!
Today I’m sharing one of my favorite recipes, super easy, in 5 minutes, you have the most delicious and nutritious lunch!
Egg Salad
1 Tbsp Whole 30 compliant Mayo or homemade Mayo
1 Tsp of honey mustard
Salt and Pepper to taste
2 eggs
4 lettuce leaves
Boil 2 eggs, making sure they are hard boiled, not soft. Let it cool and separate whites and yolks, cut egg whites in small pieces and reserve; mash yolks with a fork, add mayo, salt, pepper and mustard and mix it all together, adding the egg whites.
Place the mixture on top of the lettuce which was washed and pre-arranged on a small plate.
5 mins. and you will have the most delicious lunch! I actually use lettuce instead of tortillas and make all types of recipes, like “tacos” and tuna salad, using lettuce instead of the tortillas.
Hope you’ve enjoyed my lunch recipe! I will be sharing more this month as I am learning how to cook with the ingredients allowed by the program!
What do you think? Are you willing to try it? Can’t wait to hear what you think! As usual, give us a Trendy Shout!
Mustard is the amazing go to condiment for a healthier diet. So many great varieties.
I have prepared this before but as a sandwich spread or minus the lettuce. I’ve never thought of using lettuce. Can’t wait to try it. Yum!
I love egg salad a lot! I was excited to read your recipe because I have always been looking for a healthier alternative! Thanks Claudia!
We love egg salad in our home and this sounds like a good one! I’ve never used honey mustard in my recipes, but I would be willing to try it out!
I’ve heard some really wonderful things about whole 30 and your post is convincing me that I need to try it out! That egg salad looks delish!
Ohhhh this looks so tasty! I’ve been doing a Whole 30(ish) clean eating thing so this is great! Thank you!
This looks yummy! I know a lot of people doing the Whole 30 right now. I need to learn more about it and see if it’s something I’d like to try.
I’ve been hearing so many great things about Whole 30. I need to check them out Now. Your recipe looks amazing!
These wraps looks wonderful. I am looking to try out the whole 30 diet!
Oh my goodness! I really wanted to try this healthy recipe! It would be perfect for my diet!!
I’ve been hearing a lot about this and it’s something I would love to try. My main goal is to focus on my health.
Several of my friends are doing the Whole 30 thing to kick off the new year. I’m not sure I’m ready to give up my coffee! Anything else, probably. Coffee – NEVER!!!! Okay, probably never. I look forward to your final review!
I have a lot of friends who have tried Whole30 in the past! My friend Stacie is doing it right now and is rockin it!
I have consider to try the Whole 30 thing soon. I am pretty healthy, but not as healthy and clean as Whole 30!
This looks really good. I love eating healthier, and I’ve been trying to this year. It’s going alright for me. I have to try out this recipe because my husband has been asking for egg salad for a while now.
Simple and delicious, these are my favorite kinds of meals. I also love when I am able to put together something with simple ingredients from my refrigerator/pantry. Cheers to you for ringing in the New Year with a healthier outlook. Lettuce wraps are yum and a great place to start. Thank you for sharing your recipe!
Wow, I have not really delved into the Whole30 lifestyle. I should really look into it because I have a lot of pounds to lose.
Lettuce wraps are so delicious. I have been hearing so many great things about whole 30 . I am trying to eat healthier and lose some weight. I will have to look into giving whole 30 a try.
I have chickens so eggs are a huge part of our diet. Funny thing- I’ve never made egg salad even though I love it!
Egg Salad is such a tasty food! My husband is thinking of doing whole 30 so getting ideas like this is on the list of things to do
I don’t do Whole 30, but we are working on healthier eating habits in 2017! I love egg salad and this recipe looks simple and delicious.
This is such an inspiration to me! I am determined to make myself more healthy this year. I think something like this is just what I need to get going.
Girl you are my hero. I tries Whole 30 once and by day 30 I was a mess. It takes will power and determination so you are a true hero to me. My lifestyle is changing in that I am going clean this year. I did it some last year and felt great but slipped during the holidays. So now it’s back on track and eating clean.
Whole 30 is kicking my butt!! Haha, needless to say I think I’ll be starting over again next month. You look like you’re doing a good job.
I actually love egg salad! And when you need a little crunch to your meal scoop it up with some whole wheat pretzels!
Dang that looks tasty, I’m going to have to make this for lunch tomorrow : ) thanks for sharing this awesome, yummy, healthy meal !
I love egg salad! I was put a little bit of dill in it! I love the way it tastes. I will definitely try this one out!
I absolutely LOVED doing the Whole30. I wish I could get back into the mindset to do it again. It really changes your relationship with food from more of a “want” to a “need”.
I’ve been hearing so much about Whole 30 these days. It seems like every time I turn around, I see another reference to it. I’ll have to give it a look. I’ve heard people are seeing great results.
I LOVE Whole 30. I’ve been following the plan for a few months now, and I’m feeling AH-mazing.
Lots of people seem to be liking the “Whole 30” approach to eating. Hey…eating healthy is a great idea. However you can fit it into your lifestyle…go for it!!
It seems that everyone is doing Whole30. I don’t really know what you give up with this, but I’m excited to follow your journey. I started weight watcher And have always found great success. Oh and I totally get the detox. Good luck and support groups are the best.