I was in a Hawaii a few weeks ago as you know, attending the press event for the movie Jumanji! So many exciting things happened and I will be sharing it all with you, but having a chance to interview the Director Jake Kasdan and Producer Matt Tolmach was definitely a treat!
We were able to have an insiders’ view of the movie and the process behind its creation, cast choice and so much more, which I will be sharing with you!
Here are some of my favorite moments:
Jake Kasdan
Q: I really enjoy how the female character in the game came out of her cocoon and the female character that was self-absorbed became something she never thought of herself. Where did the idea, the ability to give females Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle their own type of empowerment come from?
JK: That was really important to us. We talked about how we were representing the female characters and what their journeys would be.
In particular we were very focused on how to tell the story. Both female characters experienced this arc and growth on the basis of these diametrically opposed journeys. Karen Gillian did such a spectacular job playing the girl coming out of her shell and discovering that inner badass.
I was very aware that I wanted my daughter to watch this movie. I want to be able to feel really good about what she’s seeing.
Q: Casting Jack Black as Bethany was brilliant. Who’s idea was that?

JK: I would say that he’s so clearly the perfect person for this role that it almost wasn’t even an idea anyone had to have.
I’ve worked with him a lot. We did Orange County together which was an early work for both of us. I’m well-versed in his genius and I think he’s just incredible–one of my absolute favorite people to work with. He’s the best, and I had a strong sense that he would be brilliant as Bethany.
Q: We talked about Chris McKenna and how Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle is a departure for him. An action movie also seems like a big change for you. How did that come about?
JK: It’s something I’ve always wanted to do, and that was one of the most exciting parts of this. I’ve mostly made sort of edgy, R-rated comedies, which I love. But I love all kinds of movies and this is a kind of movie that I’ve always adored and wanted to try.
One of the biggest parts was that it could be this big comedy but we could do real action sequences with real stakes. There’s a lot that goes into that and it was a huge learning experience.
Matt and I set out from the beginning to put a team together who could help me figure out how to do the moments while I could talk about the story. We just had a great team.
Q: Is it a secret that Colin Hanks is Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle? I didn’t see anything about him in anything I read.
JK: We’re kind of trying to let it be a surprise to people to whatever extend we can. We realize that it’s awfully hard to control these things, but we do feel like it’s a nice surprise for people.

Matt Tolmach
Q: What brought you to this project and what inspired your direction in the storyline?
Matt Tolmach: I had always loved Jumanji. I loved the original movie and I loved the book. I had been reading the book to my son. His preschool asked parents to come in, choose a book and read it to the class. I read Jumanji.
I had been working at Columbia pictures and the original movie was a Sony movie – a Tristar movie.
I sort of watched the reactions of the kids when I was reading it. It was wonder and an incredible sort of fantasy and reaction that we all have to the notion of games: What if games could come to life?
It was incredibly captivating!
So I decided I would venture into trying to figure out another version of the movie. Sort of toiled with it for a while and worked with an inventive writer. It didn’t really take shape until I reached out to my old pal Jake, who I worked with and known for a while. We began to figure out what the best version of this movie could be and would be.
Jake Kasdan: I came to it because Matt sent me this script that Chri McKenna, who’s a really smart, hilarious guy who’s worked on a bunch of really funny, well known, hilarious shows, had this idea which is that you could invert the game, going the world, the way to update it would be to take it a long way from the original movie that we all love, so we’re not just doing it again.
We feel like the mistake that people make sometimes is to take something that everybody loves then do a lesser new version. We didn’t want to do that. We loved the original movie, it had it’s own sort of magnitude and resonance for people.
What Robin did in that movie is so important to so many people and we wanted to honor that but do something completely different so we wouldn’t be retreading the same ground.
Chris came up with a really funny way to do that. To me, that was really what I really responded to. I just thought it was a great idea to enter the game in the bodies of these avatar characters. It’s a big comedy idea but it also felt like we had this really great opportunity: what would you learn about yourself if you could spend a day in somebody else’s skin? That was the big great idea to me. It could be both funny and interesting.
Are you ready to explore the Jungle? I welcome you to join me in this adventure and grabbing your tickets HERE! I’ve grabbed mine, I know my son will love it!
Jumanji:Welcome To The Jungle opens in theaters everywhere Dec, 20th
Can’t wait to hear what you think! As usual, give us a Trendy Shout!
Photo Credit: Sony Pictures
It’s nice to see it in another perspective. I’ve seen the trailer which is quite funny and I can’t wait to see this movie.
That looks like a great movie… I am excited to see it… lets see how does the new version seems to be 🙂
I’m torn about seeing this movie. I remember the original and this is so far from it, it makes a little sad. But it does look funny.
What a cool interview! It sounds like a great movie. I can’t wait to watch this new movie.
Wow, you went to Hawaii for this movie? That’s awesome. I bet it was a wonderful experience.
I loved the original! I am not a fan of jack black so i won’t pay to see it. If it comes on tv or redbox and my spouse brings it in so be it. But not for me.
I am so excited to see the movie and so happy to see Karen Gillan in this movie, I am super excited for her.
What a great way to get to see the movie! We can’t wait to watch it too!
Such a fun interview and so cool to have an insider’s view. Looking forward to watching the movie. I am excited. I love “The Rock”.
This seems like an interested movie to watch. I will consider watching this when it comes out for showing here in the area.
I have heard so many great things about this movie. I would love to take my kids to see it.
I’ve been waiting for this movie ever since I saw the trailer and so awesome that you’re sharing this experience with us! I’m sure the movies going to be fun and amazing!
My son loves when the Rock and Kevin Hart are together. He’ll get a kick out of this movie
This makes me more excited to see the movie! Thanks for sharing this!
It’s so awesome that you got to be a part of this event! I really am very excited for the movie especially since I like the actors that they picked!
I think this is awesome! I really cannot wait for the movie and it’s definitely something that I’d love for me and my kids to watch together!
I am looking forward to seeing this movie. I am so glad they didn’t try to do a new version of the original.
So excited to see this movie! The kids are even more excited. It’s going to be an awesome family day.
What a great opportunity to have an inside view of the movie! I love the first one and I can’t wait to see this new one!
Very cool you got to do this! I can’t wait to take the kids to go see Jumanji. We have to rewatch the first one, too!
I have been seeing the trailor of the movie since last one month, in Mumbai (India). Was pleasantly surprised to come across your blog post. Can’t wait to see the movie.
Wow, how cool is that!? This movie is going to b e so awesome.
I love Jack Black! This movie will be super fun! Can’t wait to watch Jumanji!
I remember seeing the original movie way back when. This one looks like another treat. Glad you got the chance to go to Hawaii. I have such fond memories of the place from getting married and having my honeymoon there.
I love the original and I cannot wait to see this one! I know the whole family will love it, too!
I think it is so neat you were able to go to Hawaii for this movie! I am definitely looking forward to seeing it.
I am so excited to take the kids to see this one! My husband and I have seen the original Jumanji movie time a zillion times, so we are thrilled to see the story retold with the amazing cast.
I loved the original movie when it came out! I have been excited to see this one, it looks like a great adventure and seems really funny too. Great cast!
Every time I see pictures for this movie, I literally get the giggles. I can not wait to see this. I absolutely love that they made this new Jumanji with a funny story plot.
I do want to watch this movie. Looks like so much fun
Ive never heard of this movie, but it looks good! I love anything with Dwayne Johnson though – can’t lie.
I’m so excited to see this movie. I think it’s going to be a great one. My husband and I want to see it soon!
Sounds like a fun flick! I know I loved the original as a child.
I cannot wait to see this movie! It looks so incredible! I am so jealous you got to do these interviews. I had no idea that Colin Hanks was even in this movie! Definitely a surprise!
This looks so funny thanks to the amazing cast. Looks like something our family would enjoy.
I always loved the original Jumanji movie. It seems like this one is a fun new take on the Jumanji we all loved.
I loved the original movie, but haven’t read the book. Now I feel like I need to add the book to my to-do list for Christmas break. The movie looks like so much fun! I want to see all the inspiration for the fun!
I am so excited to see this movie. It has such an amazing cast.
I am so excited to go see this movie. My Daughter and I are planning on going over the holidays. I think it was a fantastic idea to Cast Jack Black as Bethany.
I can’t wait to see this movie. I think they went a brilliant route in every way with this movie.
It’s nice seeing the way characters develop through a movie. I bet this interview was amazing!
Having watched the first Jumanji with Robin Williams I think it is great that they are creating a new version. Loved the interview too, what a comprehensive insight into the new film x
This is an exciting film to watch and I am going to make sure I will not let it pass. I loved the first one, but this new Jumanji film looks like a whole new story. I am getting the DVD copy too once its out. What a great addition to our movie library!
I remember the Jumanji game as a kid! We got it for Christmas one year and it seems like we played it all the time. I can’t wait to see the film!
Whoa! Such an exciting movie. I enjoyed reading the interview. Great one here
What a fantastic experience you must have had! I have heard of the movie and I really want to see it!
It sounds like they were really happy to work on this project! I think it’s really cool that they were able to add some twists to the original concept.
What a fantastic excperience! I can’t wait to go see the movie! It looks so funny and fun!
What a great experience for you. This movie looks like so much fun. Can’t wait to see it.
I will be watching this movie, when I first saw the preview I was shocked. I had no idea another Jumanji would be coming around. I love the first one as some of it was filmed near me in Keene, NH but this one will be great because of The Rock, of course 😉
I’m definitely glad The Rock plays such a big role. Jack Black was a great choice too.
I only recently found out that a new Jumanji was coming out! Excited to see it, what a great cast. How cool you got to interview the director.
I am ready to see this movie your interview was so much fun and those back end pictures were great. I don’t know if I want to fight the crowds but I am keeping this on my list when we go to the movies.
I totally cannot wait to see that movie. It is going to be a fun one to see and I know my entire family will love it. I love reading about behind the scenes stuff like this because it gives me a good idea of what director was thinking.
Your review has me all excited about the movie! Thanks for sharing the review.
We love the original Jumanji movie, so we are excited about this one. Plus I love The Rock!
I loved the first Jumanji movie, and especially Robin Williams. I am curious to see how this new movie turned out.
I’m actually seeing a screening of this tonight, and definitely looking forward to it. I’m jealous you got to go to Hawaii too – what an amazing trip!
I saw the trailer and I must I am waiting to watch it, looks like it’s going to be a good one.
I am so excited to see this movie with my family. We love Kevin Hart, so we know this is going to be hilarious.
I always love to read interviews like this. It’s a lot of fun to get insider information from the people behind the films!
How luck are you to get in on the inside and see the cast and crew. Find out things most people would never know about. Wonderful experience.
How awesome that you went to Hawaii for the interview and press event! My family is excited about this movie. We loved the old one and can’t wait to see the different take on this one.
I am excited to see this movie. I loved the old one, so I am excited to see how this new version compares.