As you know, my son is going to a new school. So many new things, new classmates, new subjects, new rules. But one thing he can have confidence about during this back to school season is his smile, thanks to Invisalign Treatment.

Today, I’m going to share some things we did as a family, to help our son face Back To School with confidence:
Back To School With Confidence

Be Prepared
It’s important to be prepared, to check all the boxes to make sure your kid/teen is ready for what is yet to come! If they are attending a new school like mine is, then there is a lot that you’ll need to prepare for. Sometimes a school change is needed for the best educational support, so whether you have looked into ‘christian private schools near me‘ or ‘higher education schools in our area’, and so on, you want to make a decision that will benefit their schoolwork.
We went to the school website and made sure our son did Summer Activities due on the first day of school and that he had materials for subjects which were listed under his school profile.
I also went ahead and emailed the Spanish teacher and asked about topics and what should be expected since my son was placed in honors 2 and it was giving this Spanish teacher (me) a little bit of anxiety.
He was also placed in three other honors classes, so I know he’s going to have a lot of work ahead of him! We are making sure he is fully prepared.
It’s a Prep school, meaning it prepares the boys for successful college admissions, so we’re very sure that we’ve made the right decision by switching schools.
Back To School Routine
Another huge tip is to start a back to school routine at least two weeks before school starts. Here’s our:
We go back an hour on our son’s bed time two weeks before school starts.
That alone, helps set his/her internal clock.
It also creates expectations on bedtime once school starts and significantly reduces the nagging, trust me!
Healthy Eating
Healthy eating is something our kids should do all year long. But summer vacations and the fact that they are home and grab whatever they need, makes it all harder to control the snack monsters at our homes.
I know that well, because my 6’8″ son can eat the whole snack cabinet in just 3 days if he’s hungry!
What I have done, since he’s been on a diet to meet his weight goals for basketball, is not buy junk food.
Yes, it’s that simple!
Since he has to wear Invisalign Aligners all day long, if there’s no desirable junk laying around, he will keep the aligners in his mouth for a longer period and shed some pounds, living a healthier life!
He lost nearly 3o pounds since last fall.

School Clothing
You know our son is going to a new school, so that means an all-new wardrobe! Thankfully, we were able to get quite a lot of his necessities from the School Uniform Shop Online which made shopping easier. He’s getting so tall now so when ordering we had to size up a lot. I nearly cried knowing my baby is growing up!
You can check out his outfits HERE. But we wanted to make sure he liked the style, within the school uniform parameters and that he felt good in them!

Health Check Up
It’s so hard to take kids out of school, especially in high school, to miss classes to go for check ups.
So we had all the boxes checked over the summer:
Eye Exam
We really wanted to make sure our son was ready for a new year, having his health as a priority and there’s nothing wrong with a beautiful smile, right?

Here are some of the reasons why we Love Invisalign Treatment:
- Invisalign treatment is the most advanced clear aligner system in the world.
- Invisalign treatment uses proprietary innovations, such as SmartTrack material and SmartForce features, which provides more predictable teeth movement. The Invisalign system is unmatched by any other clear aligner system!
- Invisalign clear aligners can treat simple to complex cases.
I can attest to that! My son’s super crowed and crazy tooth alignment is already looking amazing after less than 2 years with Invisalign Clear Aligners!
You can check it all out HERE!
Is your teen/child ready for back to school with confidence?
Do you like our Back To School tips?
I can’t wait to hear what you think!
As usual, give us a Trendy Shout!
These are awesome tips! It’s really important that they go back to school with confidence.
Looks like he’s more than ready to go. Might be a little challenging going to a new school to be honest. It is nice to know he has an terrific mom like you to help him prep up!
I have heard so many good things about invisalign. I am looking into it for my middle schooler. He needs some correction, but I don’t think he needs to have something as invasive as braces.
My 15 year old will be needing braces and we want to explore this option for him.
I am looking into invisalign for one of my kiddos. I’ve heard good things about it from other moms.
I have always wanted to try out Invisalign myself! I think it would most closely fit my lifestyle.
Invisalign is such an awesome invention. They work it does for your teeth really works, and it saves the embarrassment of braceface.
I am going to look in to these for my son. He might need braces and I think these would work well for him.
This is something I would love for my daughter. We are currently looking into braces and I want to help her remain confident.
My teen wants to explore this instead of braces. He thinks it would work better with his school schedule.
My kids both had the braces with metal and rbber bands and they would have loved invisalign which you barely know are on. My daughter is off to college but my son is staarting high school and still needs healthy lunches and snacks.