We had no idea how many threats were coming into our network, even though we had an anti virus program protecting it!
DOJO actually opened our eyes to all the incoming threats which were trying to penetrate our devices! It actually made us rethink the way our family deals with internet use. After all, sites like Infinium exist to warn others of the risks that can be found online, and so it makes sense that we take the time to educate ourselves on the potential risks to our family.
Dojo by BullGuard is the world’s most comprehensive smart home cybersecurity solution and was built from the ground up as an enterprise-grade, network security service for the smart home.
Now, if you are a business then you will have different cybersecurity needs, but if you also work from home then you are going to need as much safety as possible. You may want to check out a cyber security company for your business and see what services they offer for your companies protection, you might want to research quite a few to find the one that suits you best and will give you peace of mind. Remember, taking cyber security measures is essential in this day and age across the board, whether you are in a business or at home, there needs to be a strong layer of protection.
Here are some things we love about it:
Simple Setup: Connect Dojo to your Wi-Fi router, download the Dojo App, open it, follow the instructions and you’re all set! (There’s even a video to help guide you!) But If you need assistance, the Dojo team is available via phone, chat or email.
Dojo is easy to use with real-time status information and notifications. The App informs you of all the devices connected to your Wi-Fi network and of risks of privacy breach when Dojo detects and blocks those threats.
Dojo also has a simple visual indicator to go along with the App notifications, the pebble will light as well. Green – Good, Yellow – Dojo found something and took care of it, Red – a breach was blocked and may require input – so easy to understand!
Intelligent Learning – it continually studies your home network to enhance protection at all times.
One year service included and $9.99/month after the first year. Amazing price, right? No contract or commitment required.
It’s great to be connected and be able to have the whole family online, doing things we love, but we really want to make sure we’re protected and safe.
What our experience really taught us is that we need to take some steps to protect our home, so we wanted to share some of those tips with you:
1. Join Your Children In The Cyberworld
Parents have to get involved. Just as they know every detail of the playground around the corner, they need to know their child’s online environment as well. Join their social networks and stay alert.
2. Set house rules
Decide how much time and how often you’re comfortable with your children being online and which sites they may go to. You might post a short list or even a signed contract (like the free site www.SafeKids.com) next to the computer. So there’s no confusion, talk about the rules and the consequences for breaking them.
3. Teach them to protect their privacy
While they won’t fully understand the consequences of revealing personal information online, you should still make sure your children know:
* never to give their name, phone number, e-mail, password, zip code, school, or picture without your discussing it with you.
* not to open e-mail from people they don’t know
* not to respond to hurtful or disturbing messages, not to bully anyone
* not to get together with anyone they “meet” online.
4. Know that location is key
Keep the computer in a central spot, where it’s easy to monitor its use. Our son’s computer is right by my husband’s. All our computers and devices are monitored 24/7.
5. Be their online buddy
Instruct your child to come to discuss with to you when he/she sees anything that makes him/her uncomfortable, and assure him/her that you won’t overreact, blame him/her, or remove privileges!
6. Stay in a kid-friendly zone
For beginners as young as 4, consider confining online exploration to web addresses that list child-safe sites on everything from TV, movies, music, and games to history, science, and trivia. Some good choices:
* web directory Google.com (you can set up safe search criteria on Google)
* answer supplier Ask Jeeves for Kids
* the American Library Association’s Great Web Sites for Kids
* the U.S. government’s “Dot Kids” domain
Additionally, parents can always access proxies on their internet. They can be found on websites, like www.free-proxy-list.net (click here). Proxies can give parents some control over the websites that children can access. This can keep them safer when they’re online. Remember, your children’s safety is the best gift you can give them!
You can find more information at Best Buy.
This is the first time am listening to this tool likes like great tool to use definitely am gonna try it
This sounds like a really great device, specially now that kids are more active online we want to make sure we take every step to make their experience safer!
Seems like a handy device for those who use PC computers. I’m an Apple fan so I don’t have to worry as much.
What a great product! Internet safety is so important and doesnt get talked about nearly enough
Internet is now an essential for research for it is a must to make sure the access given to kids are safe. This is a good point!
Internet safety isn’t discussed enough these days. I saw an article today about two incidents involving social media. It’s disheartening. – yolonda
I am not aware of this and I am glad to learn about Dojo. Now I feel the need of having this kind for security. Glad I was able to read this.
This is amazing! If only more families invested in one of these. The internet is full of such scary and dangerous things these days… even if we don’t mean to come across it!
I’ve actually never heard of this but it sounds like a great tool to keep your kids safe on the Internet.
This sounds like an amazing internet security system and keeping the kids and your personal information safe is always important!
Agree with your tips! We taught our son about the pros and cons of the online world and protecting his privacy is on the top of the list.
I have heard a lot about DOJO and I am getting intrigued every time. With it having amazing features I think it’s quite a great deal.
I think with all the dangers of the Interet now days, the dojo is a great tool. And its something I think all youth should be skilled to use and learn the valuable lessons from it.
Oops!! These threats sound scary, but are eye-openers indeed! Dojo sounds like a must-have to stay cyber protected. it seems to be pretty simple to install too. Will check it out. Cheers!!
It’s really important for me to protect my kids especially from the internet. I think this is something that I’d love to get for the home. It will definitely give any parent peace of mind.
Our kids use the internet at school, but the school has all the tools and resources to protect our kids. However, our family does not have that stuff at home. I am so glad you shared this and other resources at the end. It is really going to help us!
I have never heard of this, wow it really sounds amazing!
This is new to me! I love all the features and the PRICE! Wow!
Quite the handy gadget here! Definitely sounds like something we could use.
I believe setting up parental controls is super important for kids. There are things on the Internet that they don’t need to be looking at. We have a router set up to block certain keywords/websites.
It seems like Dojo is such a great device to protect our devices. I’m gonna check this out.and share with my friend who has 3 kids and always playing games online.
Oh wow! This seems like something my daughter would want. I’ve never heard of this amazing gadget!
It really is important that we take the proper actions to ensure that our kids are safe on the internet. This looks like a great way to help out!
This is all really great! It is so important that we keep our kids safe on the internet.
This is one of the best tools to get, there really is a lot of threat on the internet. Thank you for the tips, monitoring the gadgets and computers will be helpful.
I have heard a lot about Dojo! I was thinking about getting one for my house!
Great product! I have never heard of it but I love how you did so well in this post explaining the useability.
This seems like a great product for parents to use to help kids online. I need to get something like this for our home.
Sharing with my IT guy… aka Hubs. We are so worried about internet safety and the kids- this is so important!
You’ll never know what people can steal off of the internet these days. It’s hard to protect our personal information, but this product seems like something that would be useful for this.
Dojo seems like a great product. I would like to try it myself.
These are great tips. With so many different devices our kids have access to it’s important that they have the knowledge of what is safe.
Dojo seems like a great device to have to protect your computer. I like the simple indicators and that it is real-time protection.
Dojo looks like a great firewall to protect the devices.. Thanks for sharing
It’s hard to realize how many threats are out there when it comes to our devices because we can not see them. These are all great tips for keeping kids safe online. Dojo sounds like a great option to keep your devices and your family safe!
I like that it’s so easy to put up. I am all for keeping things safer when we’re online!
This is a cool gadget. I have to share this with my friends with kids. It’s really useful.
If I had kids I would be all over this! I will have to tell my siblings and friends with kids about this awesome little device!!
We use CUJO I’ve great things about DOJO thanks for sharing the information is important.
These are really great tips! And a great way to keep your family internet safe.
Wow, that sounds super nice. I wouldn’t mind to have this. It’s affordable!
I’m not really looking forward to my kids getting a little older and wanting to be online. Dojo looks like something I need to keep in mind for us!
Dojo sounds like a great source of protection for your family. I am curious what’s coming into our home, but it sounds like staying safe couldn’t be easier.
It can be scary how much is out there on the internet. Those tips are great ways to keep our kiddos safe. We’ve got kids who are growing up fast, but helping them stay safe online is a big priority.
Very good read. Definitely a modern app
Passwords aren’t all the protection we need. Thanks for introducing me to Dojo.
This is a great idea for staying safe online. I’m going to check it out.
I’m so putting this one my Christmas list! We really need better security for our computers!
With five kids in my house, I think we need a DOJO to protect us! The internet is a scary place and we need to feel like our family is protected. Thank you for sharing this piece of safety with me.
I need to pick this up. I do worry when my kids are online. You just never know these days.
Great tips! We need to get dojo. My son is old enough to use the internet, and you just can’t be too careful. There are so many threats out there even if you do have an anti-virus system. This is a great way to make sure your home is cyber-secure.
My kiddos are all online, so those protections are so important. Great tips!
I have heard a lot of great things about DOJO. I totally agree it is important to keep the threats at a minimum coming into your household via the internet. Kids need to have parental guidance because there is so much out there that we do not want them exposed to.
DOJO sounds like a wonderful way to stay protected online. As much as I monitor my children, I still worry that their online safety or information could be compromised. DOJO would definitely give me more peace of mind.
I have heard about the DOJO and it seems so awesome. I would love to have something like this!
I am really enjoying my dojo! I feel like you can never be too safe now with cyber security!
This product sounds great. This is just what I need for my kids. They have been playing on the computer for some time now.
Okay this is a genius idea! I have never heard of it, but it’s about time something like this exists! It is a scary world out there and being on the internet needs to be made safer. This is SO cool!
When my kids were younger I would have loved to have the Dojo by BullGuard. It is so important to teach our kids about internet safety. I always kept the computer in the living room so I could see what the kids were up to.
I’d like having such a simple way to keep our internet safer. The updates and notifications would be a nice plus.
It’s a whole new era in parenting out there! This is a great post and resource for those of us fighting the good fight to keep our children safe in the cyber realm!
Thank you for letting me know about DOJO. I will have to check it out. The internet can be a scary place to let my kids venture into.
Internet safety is definitely a huge concern these days for so many families. Dojo sounds like a great resource for helping maintain that safety!
Wow, DoJo sounds like a great option to get kids safe on the internet. There is so much to watch out for these days with parenting kids on the internet. It’s hard. I am thankful for products that help make it easier for us!
I need to check this out for sure! My daughter has a smartphone now and although I monitor what she does, you never know! I hadn’t heard of this one before.
Having a great home security for Internet is imperative these days! We would not do without ours that’s for sure! Since installing a home internet security network we have saved ourselves tons of headache!
I like to find out more about this. I mean, my kids are grown and are very well aware of the potential dangers lurking in the internet. However, we can never be too sure and be complacent about these things. Thanks for introducing me to Dojo. I am definitely going to look into this.
With three kids all on the internet, I need a dojo. What a great concept and I’m glad to read such a great review on it.
I am always wondering how safe our phones and what not are when it comes to going online. I know our computers are safe, but this gives peace of mind to everything.
I’m excited to know that something like this is available for protecting our pc’s. I like to give my kids some leeway online, but I love knowing they’ll be protected.
I have always had a love/hate relationship with the internet. I love that it can open new worlds to my kids, but I HATE that it can open new worlds – new, difficult to explain worlds. I need to check this out.
I love this so much! My kids are right in the age where the internet is really dangerous. They’re old enough to be searching for all kinds of legit stuff, but those searches can lead to all sorts of other stuff.
DOJO looks like it’s a fantastic firewall to protect your devices. This is extremely important when kids are online.
I am extremely worried about being on the Internet sometimes. It is hard to not worry about your security. I watch everything closely but still I know their stuff that I will miss. Something like this would be perfect.
I feel the same way! With all of the phones, tablets and computers it’s hard to keep track of everything.
My youngest doesn’t play on the internet, but my 13 year old is just starting to. I definitely want to keep him safe when he’s online.