MomTrends and leading Meditation APP brand Headspace invited us, to attend an event in NYC to talk about parenting stressor and how to cope with the summer knocking at our door! I jumped at the opportunity since I’ve been meditating for over 10 years!
For me, meditating is a lifestyle tool to help me focus and live a better life, but I must confess, I never thought about using meditation as a parenting tool!
After trying once to introduce it to my then 10 year old son and I have to say, the priceless look on his face, that “mommy is crazy look” , just pulled me back from ever bringing meditation as a subject for him!
Knowing he has focus issues and how many hours he spends with his friends on video games, the event actually gave me the tools to not only suggest meditation, but to point how athletes my son admires, like LeBron James, are also using it!
Here are some of my favorite Headspace Parenting Event moments:
Gorgeous Lunch and Photo Set up to get us excited for Andy Puddicombe’s story and priceless tips.
I immediately felt the need to embrace the summer fun, as the way we moms should approach summer vacations!
Andy Puddicombe, Headspace Co-Founder shared his beautiful life path and how he moved from being a Monk to sharing the beauty of meditation with millions!
I was so mesmerized by the power of his story and parenting tips on how to reduce stress and bring the family together! Something we work on every day through device-free dinners, family game nights, and fun outdoor activities instead of endless hours on the computer for our teen! Sometimes extra help is needed during these stressful times, including looking at resources like Online Psychologist, as well as others, so that issues are tackled straight away and we can be mindful of what is around us, as well all should do.
After a delicious and fresh lunch, we moved to face the Manhattan Skyline, contemplate how big and yet serene, the picture in front of us was … Andy once more shared it is all about perspective and guided us through a short meditation session! So truly honored to have been a part of a session with such an authority on the subject! For me, it was a truly magical moment! I learned how to use tools like a mala bracelet during a session and I found it so rewarding. It was great to experience a guided meditation.
At the Q&A, I had a chance to share my parenting failure in introducing meditation to my son and Andy was able to give me tips to successfully introduce the idea of incorporating meditation to my son’s daily routine – ideas I will be sharing with you!
At the end, I thanked him for the tips and for opening a new door and giving me new tools to be a better parent to my teen and also use the app for my own benefit as well!
I will carry the Parenting lessons Headspace shared with me forever, because I never thought meditation could help me be a better parent!
As promised, here are the five main reasons why you should introduce meditation as a parenting tool:
Research shows that meditation can reduce stress, anxiety, anger. We heard some case studies during the event, but I can speak for myself, I feel much better, calm and focused after my daily practice.
There are so many benefits of introducing device free dinner. I must confess, I’m the first one to look at my phone if it’s on the table, so we decided to remove it from our meals! Such a difference! I highly recommend. We also, as much as possible, do a game night!
They introduced mindful eating to me! Using games and strategies to describe the food, really concentrate on the meal, instead of just “eating” and moving on to do other things. They shared that mindful eating not only helped children develop a healthier relationship with food, but it also helped them notice the variety and appreciate more of what was served to them! I love this concept!
Journaling, writing it down! They gave us a journal and invited us to write every night two things we appreciate about our children! I loved the idea, because I truly believe all the blessings start with a grateful heart!
Breathing exercise: if you feel the pressure building, when you feel like you’re close to stressing out, take 30 seconds to breathe. They actually recommend the family have a place in the house where each family member can go when they need to do that! Life changing, right?
I personally loved the special advice Andy gave me about sharing with my son that famous athletes use meditation to increase focus and improve their skills! He shared about their partnership with the NBA and one athlete in particular, one of my son’s favorites, Lebron James, has partnered with Headspace to raise awareness!
Also shared their partnership with Nike to provide the sportswear company with guided running meditation. The content features Mr. Puddicombe talking runners through their training and mental state to help increase their performance.
So if your teen loves basketball as much as mine does, you might want to share this with him/her as an additional way to present this amazing life changing tool!
My goal in sharing my experience is to inspire more parents with children of all ages to try headspace and use meditation as a tool to have less stress in their lives!
Now you can too, I’m sharing one year of Headspace for 40% off for the Trendy Latina community. This offer expires July 4, 2018!
Click HERE to get started!
Can’t wait to hear from you!
As usual, give us a Trendy Shout!
I want to thank Nicole Feliciano for allowing me to use those beautiful event pictures.
Meditation is one of those things that I have never tried but have read all the benefits! This definitely sounds like a great parenting tool.
I think this is a great tip for all parents. parents of teens, toddlers, babies, and everything in between. Heck, my almost college kid can sometimes give me stress.. meditating is a great way to calm before reacting
This is a really great idea. I am going to have to try this with my daughter. She gets fired up really quickly and obviously just telling her to stop isn’t a good response. I need to provide her with tools.
Interesting! As a Christian we have always practiced meditating on Scripture.
This is the second blog I read about this Headspace app and I wish I was there. The event looked really well put together and i love meditating I hope I can go to one of their events in the future!
This is really interesting! Worth a try for parents like me!
Sometimes, just taking a deep breath and focusing on positivity for a few minutes a day is a great coping mechanism for many things in life. Teens are a pretty big stressor!
This sounds new to me. I never thought that meditation could be a great parenting tool! Thanks for sharing this! Definitely worth a try!
This sounds and looks like it was an awesome event! It sounds like a great app too! I would love to check it out!
Love meditation! It’s so good for the body and mind. You look beautiful I. The photos too!
I think meditation is beneficial for adults and teens alike. I’ve been taking a yoga class at the gym with my daughter and there’s a little meditation thrown in at the end. It really is a great way to get more centered.
It does sound like a good learning event. So fun to see bloggers I know in the pic too. How great to get together!
It is nice to clear your mind. I’d like to try to meditate more. Looks fun!
This is something I’ve always thought about. I always thought it could be a great stress reliever. Seeing this post makes me even more willing to give it a go.
I think meditation is wonderful for all ages and feel it could benefit both myself and my teen. I look forward to sharing some of this information with her soon!
That’s a wonderful event. I think a lot of us tend to just put the dos and don’ts, lists, rules yada yada into parenting, when teens really want to connect more and have some deeper experiences. Sometimes we think we can only play the role of a discipliner, and I feel like you can invite a little more depth into relationships with them.
Going off your reasons, I can see that it can be a great parenting tool. A life of a teen is not easy, so that can help relieve stress or anxiety.
Wow I never consider teaching meditation to your teens. But I think this is an awesome idea. Journal writing and breathing exercises are all awesome techniques to really slow down and quiet your mind. In addition, teaches them to deal with stress. Great post!
I’ve always heard that meditation is key to keeping you centered and focused. I need to try it. I am definitely not centered these days. LOL
That does sound like a great tool. I have always been thankful that my boys loved playing outside and were able to entertain themselves all day long without devices.