Having a chance to touch and feel the Samsung appliances at the Best Buy Suite at Mom 2.0 was an amazing experience! These are some of the appliances they had at the event as a part of the Samsung Experience: FAMILY HUB REFRIGERATOR WITH TOUCHSCREEN FLEX DUO WITH DUAL-DOOR SLIDE-IN RANGE ACTIVEWASH […]
New Strides With The New Elantra
I was invited to attend the Hyundai Elantra 2017 launch in San Diego, but all opinions are my own. Picture this: we were greeted at the gorgeous Imperial Beach, serving as backdrop for the launch of the #NewElantra! Later on, Great Time and Food Trucks – best San […]
My Halloween Costume
I have received StarWars Limited Edition CoverGirl Make Up, used on my post, but all opinions are my own. I attended Type-A Conference in Atlanta and the Disney party enticed me to get dressed up and choose a StarWars Costume inspired by the new StarWars Limited Edition Make up Line Launched By CoverGirl! If […]
When A Purse Is more than a Purse
I recently found out one of my close friends was a victim of domestic violence and abused when she was a child. Needless to say her story more than shocked me! Coming from a loving family and having a devoted and loving father, this just makes the idea of so many women and children being […]