I’m starting a new series, What I’m Reading, which will be a monthly share of the books I’m reading/listening to that month. That is my attempt to read and listen to more books in 2023! Hope you come along and check some of the books out!
What I’m Reading – January 2023
I’ve told you I rejoined my local library and added the App Hoopla to my phone to be able to borrow books and listen to titles without spending any money.
I’ve borrowed Dreamland – Nicholas Sparks last week at my local library. Planning on using tips of “Atomic Habits” and reading the book every night before bed, instead of binge watching TV for a few hours. Nicholas Sparks is a favorite! I’ve decided I’d like to move to North Carolina after watching some of his movies, that’s how much I love his stories! So hard to put it down!
I’ve started re-listening to Atomic Habits – James Clear, I’m listening to it in Hoopla!
The book highlights our habits, how to start new habits and end bad ones! It’s a life changing book, and I’m just half way through the book!
Started The Light We Carry – Michelle Obama
It is more of a continuation of Becoming, where she left off, but it shares great life’s lessons. I’m half way through.
I don’t love it, but I like her narrative and the book flow, just think she gets lost in repeating episodes of prejudice against her skin color, sounding prejudiced herself against white people, in some parts of the book, in my opinion.
As a minority, I want to show what I can bring to the table, instead of reminiscing my shortcomings and how I felt when prejudice hit me. I want to inspire Latinos, instead of complaining about the system!
That’s my take on it and that’s why I haven’t moved forward, I couldn’t pass the chapter about her ramblings on prejudice at Princeton which she also did in the previous book!
Love her, don’t get me wrong, just sharing my honest opinion on the book!
I’ve also started The 6 habits of Growth – Brendon Burchard, which I’ve been listening to in my soon to be cancelled Audible account (they will let you use it until your due date comes again and you can always listen to your purchased titles, they don’t expire.
I listen to it, while on my bike or treadmill in my gym room. I have been avoiding TV and listening to audio books or music instead, while I work out!
Here are a few of my favorite reading/listening gadgets:
I own an excessive amount of headphones – I confess! But I have a few favorites for working out, some to use when I listen to a book or music.
The list below is a list for traveling, but has all my favorites! I recently upgraded my Bose headphones, I also own a new pair of Bose Sport Wireless Earbuds as well!

When I read at night in my bedroom, it is much easier to have a reading light on my book and just turn it off when it’s time to go to sleep.

My tripod helps me be able to listen to books while working or when I am cooking. Sometimes I use the phone more than I used headphones at home!
Not ready to read anything right now?
Save for later:

Can’t wait to hear what you think about What I’m Reading!
As usual, give us a Trendy Shout!
Some great books! I’m doing this every month too as I really miss reading
I don’t really read or listen to fiction, but I know I should do more of that.
I read Atomics Habits a few months ago. In the last couple of months I’ve read Believe It by Jamie Kern Lima (founder of It Cosmetics) and Rich as F*ck by Amanda Frances. And oddly enough, I found my CD series from one of Ali Brown’s programs from 2008 so I’ve been listening to that (good thing I still have a CD player in my car.) It’s fun to hear them refer to email newsletters as Ezines… and other antiquities.
I’ve still not read Becoming but it’s on my list for this year so I may have to read the second Michelle Obama one afterwards. I have so many books on my TBR so need to get through some more x
Oooh I miss a binge read!! What great recommendations thank you 😊
I’ve heard so many good things about the Michelle Obama book. You’ve got some fab top picks there.
Great picks! I didnt know Sparks came out with a new book…definitely looking into that one!
OH wow so many great book options! Definitely going to check some of these out!
I enjoy a lot of the books/movies by N. Sparks this sounds like it will be a good one too.
I haven’t read Michelle Obama’s book, I can’t wait to pick it up, I heard a lot about it….
I had no idea about Dreamland and will have to grab a copy of that one! I love his books and this will be a great addition to my library 😉
Wow you are reading so many books in January! I need to get back into reading but it always feels like there is just not enough time in the day.
I just got The Light We Carry> I haven’t had a chance to read it yet, but I’ve very excited about it.