You know I’m all about convenience, right? That’s why I was so excited to be invited to check Xfinity’s new store in Cherry Hill! The location is so perfect, you grab a latte, finish your shopping spree and head to relax and check their new features out!
I’ve learned all about some of their great features such as their great apps, which give you power to control your TV, home and security systems at your fingertips, on the go :
Xfinity WiFi:
Xfinity Connect app:
Xfinity X1:
Will change the way you experience TV. Some features include X1 voice remote, integrated Xfinity apps, Common Sense Media, Kids Zone, X1 DVR with Cloud Technology, personalized recommendations and now Netflix too (Netflix release below)!
Xfinity Home:
Comcast’s total home security and automation solution. Features include 24/7 professional security monitoring, at home or on the go access to your home security system, live video monitoring, remote thermostat control, real-time text and email alerts, battery and cellular back-up, rules to have your system work together and more.
Xfinity Apps
We talked about Connect, but there’s many others including Xfinity TV app – where you can take your shows with you, download and watch anywhere – Xfinity My Account app where you can manage your account, change your WiFi password, pay your bills and so much more…even troubleshoot and schedule service!
Learn more:
But my most favorite news was about Netflix content which is now fully integrated into Xfinity On Demand, enabling X1 customers to watch past and current seasons of shows like The Blacklist, How To Get Away With Murder or The Walking Dead; explore popular Netflix original series like House of Cards, Orange Is The New Black and Stranger Things; or catch up on recent classics like Breaking Bad, LOST and Mad Men, all in one place.
By combining the TV libraries of Netflix and Xfinity On Demand, X1 customers can:
· Launch the Netflix app by simply saying “Netflix” into the X1 voice remote.
· Browse Netflix content alongside other On Demand movies and shows
· Search for an actor like “Adam Sandler” or “Kevin Spacey” and see everything they are in, across both Xfinity and Netflix.
· Start from the beginning of long-running shows like The Walking Dead or Scandal — with all prior seasons from Netflix and the current season from Xfinity — available in one place.
Current X1 and Netflix customers will be prompted to sign in when accessing the Netflix service on X1 for the first time. New Netflix customers will be able to sign up for a new Netflix membership directly on X1, have the service added to their Comcast bill and begin to immediately explore and enjoy the service on X1 or across devices. For more, click here!
More than selling tech gadgets, or competing with large stores, the concept was to offer a curated selection to make the customer’s options easier while at the store, to match their needs with new possibilities!
My favorites:
I personally love that you can program your locks and let people in and out without giving them the key!
I love the convenience of traveling abroad and yet, having access to your Xfinity content on your device and make calls as well! It would have saved me so much money If I had had that when I went to Brazil! My carrier overages killed me! All I needed was to access a WiFi and I would have access to all these amazing features!
I also love as a Latina, that Xfinity has a whole option to view titles and channels in Spanish and you can use your voice activated control to access that! This alone, tells me that #XfinityEnEspanol is forward thinking and in tune with the Hispanic Market needs!
It was great finding out that the future is here and that Xfinity has many other surprises in store for us in 2017! I can’t wait to share more with you in the new year!
Here is our FBlive video, hope you enjoy learning even more about it. I had the privilege of experiencing it first hand with Jenn B. Vice President of Communications for Comcast:
Hope you’ve enjoyed learning all about the new Cherry Hill Store in New Jersey and features and that you stop by the next time you are in the area!
Can’t wait to hear what you think. As usual, give us a Trendy Shout!
I have never heard of Xfinity… Sounds like a great platform.. I use Netflix everyday
I wish they’d work at expanding their footprint to more small towns, they’ve got great services but nothing available where we are.
Another thing to add to my list of why i miss cherry hill so much!
We had Xfinity for many years and we loved it. Seems like they are always coming out with new innovations and better quality products for us to use. Thanks for sharing about the cherry hill location.
I don’t really know what Xfinity is. Is it an internet service provider? I would love the programmable locks though. That sounds cool.
I hear ads all the time for Xfinity. Maybe I’ll try them.
This sounds great. I’ve heard of Xfinity, but never looked in to it much. Now I’ll have to look more in to it. Sounds like something I may need.
What a beautiful store! I love that it has EVERYTHING at your finger tips!! I don’t think we have Xfinity in Canada, but I hope it comes soon!! Looks like a great place!
I am from New Jersey but here in Iowa this isn’t available yet. One more reason to love Jersey!
I haven’t heard of Xfinity stores. Their products sound amazing. I would like the keyless entry especially since I can control who can have access and who can’t.
The WIFI feature overseas sounds great too. I have only been out of the country once and I didn’t use my cell phone then. It was before data usage was popular.
I would be totally LOST without netflix! Seriously! Especially when my boys are sick 🙂
It looks like they have something for everyone! I really like that they integrated it with Netflix, it’s great that they worked together
Comcast has come such a long way. I remember when they were just like any other cable provider. Now, they’re Xfinity, and they are making every part of the home “smart”. I love it!
You are so lucky to have an Xfinity store in your town. It looks like a great place to find out about what’s new in tech gear.
I’m glad you have access to Xfinity now! i have heard really good things about their services!!
Can’t say that I’ve ever used Xfinity. Looks like they have a lot of neat things going on though!
I need to check this out. My husband and I are thinking of upgrading our security system.
We have Xfinity internet service and love it! There stores are always so welcoming!
I like that we can now get Netflix through out box because it doesn’t use up our date. I only have it for local channels and internet.
I hear Xfinity is amazing! We live in Canada so we don’t have it but we do have some thing similar.
Wow! Xfinity seems to have great solutions to manage it all! Xfinity Home sounds great. I agree that the ability to program my locks would really come in handy. Will make sure to check them out next time I’m in Cherry Hill. 🙂
I am not familiar with the features of xfinity but I find this very interesting..
I’ll have to visit when I hit Cherry Hill next time! I’d love to get more information of their products and services.
I love all these features from Comcast. We just upgraded to High-Def and got the new X-1 Box- so amazing.
Wow so many wonderful thing in this store. I would have a fun time shopping here. I like that you can access your content from anywhere.
wow, what a great store, I have friends in the area and will tell them for sure! Xfinity is getting rave reviews on their services, we will have to look into them for us when our existing contract is up.
I never heard of Xfinity before. I will have to check it out. I wonder if they are around Long Island. The store looks really nice.
You had me at convenience. I didn’t own any devices, not even a computer until I had my back surgery and was bedbound. I think it’s time to check out Xfinity too.
Both of my sisters live in cherry hill nj and I definitely need to share this post with them and make sure they stop by the Xfinity retail experience / store!
One of the things that amazes me about modern technology is that so much of it was science fiction in my childhood. I like the way all the technology world together to make life better.
Xfinity opened a store like this by me in Lawrenceville and when I checked it out I was blown away. It’s amazing what they are up to!
This looks like a cool concept for a store. We plan to be in New Jersey in the Summer so I will see if we can stop in to check it out.
Wow this new store sounds amazing. I’ve got to check it out, Cherry Hill is not that far from me!
This sounds awesome! Love all these Xfinity features! Totally amazing!
I know several friends and family who have Xfinity and they love it. The new Cherry Hill store concept looks like tech heaven.
Xfinity On Demand sounds amazing. I would love to have all the features Xfinity offers.
I will have to see if this is available in my area. I would love to switch to Xfinity.
I wish we had access to Xfinity here in Canada. I love all the features it provides especially the combining of streaming libraries.
It looks amazing to have the ability to to connect your life all together. Definitely want to look into it further.
This is a great concept store. I’d love to be able to check everything out for myself before making choices about what to buy!
Wow! I had no idea there was so much to Xfinity! I’m amazed and off to check it all out.
I can’t wait to check out the store. We love our Xfinity services and have been so happy since we switched!
I never heard of infinity. It sounds so cool!
Looks like quite the retail experience! Never heard of Xfinity before but definitely looks like something my husband would appreciate.
How cool that it combines the libraries of Xfinity on Demand and Netflix. That’s perfect for when you’re just trying to find something to watch.
The X1 sounds like a great platform. I really love how fast their speed is. I’m all about the fast.
My brother and sister in law have Xfinity. I was just learning how to figure it out when it was time for me to go back home again. I miss NJ sometimes but love Montana