Carrot Cake
3 carrots, cleaned and shredded
3 eggs
1 cup of oil
2 cups of sugar
2 cups of all purpose flour
1 tbsp of baking powder
pinch of salt
Optional: Butter to spread before pouring mix and flour sprinkled on top of butter.
Mix ingredients in the blender, adding them slowly. Bake for 40 min or until golden brown.
Icing: Bring one can of condensed milk, 2 tbsp of chocolate powder and 1 tbsp of butter to a boil until it reaches a creamy consistency, always stirring.
Bolo de Cenoura
- 3 cenouras médias raspadas e picadas
- 3 ovos
- 1 xícara de óleo
- 2 xícaras de açúcar
- 2 xícaras de farinha de trigo
- 1 colher (sopa) de fermento em pó
- 1 pitada de sal
- Manteiga para untar
- Farinha para polvilhar
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