Back To School Supply shopping time – you’re probably worried about pencils, pens, notebooks, right? Wrong! For some of us, Back To School for our tweens/junior teens means listening to the mood swings, coping with growing anger, complaints and body changes.
Yes, Back To School for us means body changes, mild acne, which appeared recently and other signs that my boy is growing! Instead of just going with the flow, this back to school season, I decided to listen to his sometimes silent requests and help guide him through that process addressing:
- New odors
- Body and hair growth
- Self esteem and peer pressure
- Relationship with brands vs no branded items
- Skin concerns
I know, being a teen mom is tough, right? I’m not a “go with the flow” kind of mom! I’m very involved, especially because I only have one child and I want to make sure we help him navigate through those changes the best way possible!
Today, I want to address the skin concerns.
Skin is one of the most important items on the list as far as concerns for tweens and teens! It’s a growing concern for boys, since they seem to neglect, more than girls, the facial care habits.
I did some research and found out that The CLEAN & CLEAR® Deep Action Exfoliating Scrub cleanses deep down into pores, working to dissolve dirt, oil and impurities while exfoliating dead skin cells.
The oil-free, refreshing formula includes: unique cooling agents that leave skin looking and feeling revitalized, a blend of specially sized micro-beads for gentle, effective exfoliation and cleansing, and Menthol to instantly rejuvenate skin.
Not that my son cares about all those details, but he cares about the results and the CLEAN & CLEAR® MORNING BURST® line provides that!
Here are the products we purchased to help our son:
- MORNING BURST® Facial Cleanser
- Deep Action Scrub
- Deep Action: 60 sec shower masksÂ
We helped him understand each product and learn how to use regularly and the importance of using them! I’m not going to lie to you, he still forgets but the fact that he’s working hard to use them, it’s a great start, especially because we have a few weeks before school starts!
We want to help him understand that he will always be perfect to us, but we’re here to help and guide him through any needs he has. I believe that’s the goal that all parents should have! He seems to be receptive to our help which is great!
If your teen is going through the same, you might want to use our tips to ensure he/she will adopt/incorporate a healthy skin care routine:
- Address the issue without body shaming, I for example, showed my son my blemish which had just come out and asked him if the one on his face bothered him?
- Offer solutions which are not “mandatory”, because teens tend not to respond well when enforcing rules come into play, so offer the picture of a few years later and multiple marks on the face as a result of not taking care of it now…..
- Discuss personal hygiene and the consequences of not taking showers, not washing the face, etc.
- Handle the issues with love and let go – it may seem that your teen is not ready to hear…Â but trust me, they will come back and do it. Pick your battles!
- Place products in areas of easy access! I placed my son’s products right inside his shower area (he has his own bathroom), where he couldn’t help but see them and where he wouldn’t need to be embarrassed to pick them up to use them! Private is a powerful keyword for teens!
His face is showing improvement and I truly believe we are helping guide him to a successful Back To School process, even before the school year starts!
Next time that you look at your endless Back To School List for your teen, you might want to add those to it!
What’s on your Back To School List? As usual, I can’t wait to hear what you think, as usual, give us a Trendy Shout!
I have been using Clean & Clear for years, its amazing!
Clean & Clear has been around for a long time! I am definitely scared of the teen years, but tips like this help.
A really great skincare early on is definitely a must. There’s many great habits gained by letting teens maintain a regimen that will be valuable to them and their skin down the road.
skin care is super important regardless of age! the earlier one gets into the routine the better! and clean and clear is a good product line and in fact i still use their acne target cream 🙂
Our daughter is probably in for a rude awakening in this department. Her mom has been trying to get her to take better care of her skin as she just turned 13 but she hasn’t listened. This is all in the bathroom waiting when she realizes Mom really does know stuff.
handsome fella you have there. Clean & Clear is such a home staple for me. I still buy it for my son. Works well for his sensitive skin. I sneak and use it sometimes myself…lol.
I have no teen experience but it worth to know teens also care about their skin so badly
My twin boys are only six right now but I’m sure they will encounter the same issues. Good to know there are products out there to help them when they get older.
Being a teen is so much fun. I remember those days very well. Kiddo started to get the bad BO when she was about 10 or 11. She still hasn’t had terrible acne.
I have a teen son and I couldn’t agree more with your tips! Personal hygiene is important and we made sure to talk to him about it.
My teens have not tried these products before. I will definitely be putting a few in their shower 🙂
Ahh The joy of being a teenager and puberty. I think this is the time where we get overly conscious about the changes in our body and It’s nice that you are with him helping him on that journey.
I never had a big problem with oily skin and acne as a teen but ran into some kids last week that reminded me it probably is good to be up to speed on products to deal with this issue as my own children get older because they might not be as lucky as their dad was. Your post was really useful in that regard.
My sister has two kids who are in their teenage years. I bet this will be a good read for her so she can prepare for her kids puberty stage.
Hmm, I don’t have a kid or a teen this time but I am sure my mommy colleagues definitely can relate to this. I will share so they can check this out. I think my teenager cousin is already using this too.
The joys of being a teenager…acne and body odor! LOL!! I remember those days and I used Clean and Clear back then too, it’s good stuff!!
Your son is so lucky to have a mom who’s involved in his growing up. It sounds like a good time to introduce teens about facial habits at this age. My youngest kid is still in elementary but I remembered doing the same thing for my daughter.
Yes I am older and suffer from acne. These products sound really good. I am going to look the next time I am at the pharmacy.
I used Clean and Clear growing up. In fact, I still use it! Always worked well for me.
My son started working this year at Sonic. Coupled with puberty and being around grease for several hours caused him to get a few break outs. We had to explain to him that when he gets home from work that it is important for him to shower and wash his face before going to bed. This has helped him quite a bit but he still gets a few breakouts. He could benefit from the CLEAN & CLEAR® skincare line. As an adult, I still deal with cystic acne especially during the summer. It is awful.
This is great! I used Clean&Clear as a teen and it made a huge difference. I love that we’re focusing on more than just basic hygiene with kids now.
I’m glad that these products are helping your son’s skin. I’m sure he is, too. There is enough that impacts confidence. Those things we can mitigate, we should.
Awesome tips! Thanks for sharing this! My kids are still young but I will surely remember these tips.
Great tips. My kids are just on the cusp of all of this and I want to feel prepared to help them navigate these challenging years. I should probably start with Clean & Clear now so it’s part of their routine.
I remember using Clean and Clear back when I was a teen, it was good to have something that to a degree managed to tackle the spots I was prone to.
When I was a teen I used Clean & Clear for my skin. That age just seems to bring all of your skins impurities to a head for everyone to see. Such a wonderful time but can be hard for our looks! Great post.
It is important to take care of the skin. For teens, it’s important that we explain and educate them on what to do and what to use. I think those products will surely help.
My son just turned 13 this summer and these are great tips to follow. I’d like to start him on a skin care regime that he will hopefully follow throughout life.
I still use this brand myself, and I’m 24! Seriously, one of my favorites! I think this is the only brand that doesn’t dry my face out!
This is a good review . But have you tried ProActiv for acne – I have found it to be very effective.
My tween is getting into this kind of products, she’s 12 and very conscious of how her skin looks. Thank you for the tips.
I’ve been looking for stuff like this for my son. He’s hit the teen years and his face is so oily and refuses to wash it with soap and washcloth. I think he’d do better with this. Just need to find it.
I love clean & clear products and I’ve used the morning burst before. Totally awesome, love the cool feeling after you are done washing your face.
My teenager is a girl and thankfully doesn’t suffer from acne (I didn’t as a teen either) but I also have 4 boys who are slowly coming up as well and I’m sure it will be a lot more difficult to navigate with them
I loved my teen years, except for the acne issue. Clean and Clear is a great brand. I’ve been using it for years.
when i was in teen i have tried only acne cream but not much other items, this guide will be a eye opener for the teens.
It is SO hard being a teen and I will admit that Clean & Clear basically saved my life as a teenager! Great post. 🙂
The teen years are filled with wonderful new experiences but also bring new unwanted issues like acne. I love Clean and Clear products – I use their face wash every morning!
Yep and these are the thing we often forget about. So happy you gave us this reminder! Skin care is always high on my list for me and my kids.
It’s funny – I used morning burst as a teenager!!! I love the microbeads and the smell!
Teen skin is tough. It will get better. Good attitude and a better cream fix anything
I still deal with pimples, and I am in my 30s. CLEAN & CLEAR® Deep Action Exfoliating Scrub sounds like an amazing product!
We’re still playing around with different facial cleansers for my son. While his acne is just beginning, I’m trying to instill good cleaning habits so he won’t fall into bad habits down the road.
I love the Clean and Clear products. They make my skin look and feel so fresh and glowing!
I love this line of products and swore by them when I was younger. My kids also use them now that they are older.
We’ve had good results with this brand too and it’s great that your son has been seeing some improvements. What a great way to start the school year.
Acne can be so hard to go threw when you are a teenager. Clean and Clear products have been helping keep my skin clear for years.
This is definitely true! I thankfully never had any problem with my skin growing up, but my brother did! This is definitely something that teens deal with, especially with the stress of back-to-school!
I really wish there had been all of the amazing skin products out there for kids that there are now. I went through hell in school!
I have both a teen and a pre-teen who could benefit from these Clean & Clear products. An easy to follow skin care routine would be awesome for their busy school mornings too!
Adolescence is so tough. In glad you found a product that works well for teen skin.
A great product for sure. It is so important that everyone – boys included getting involved in skin care and hygiene at a young age!
Clean and Clear is a great product line. It was worked really well to clear up my Son’s skin. I like to start the day with the facial cleanser. It smells amazing.
I have used that orange morning burst face wash for YEARS! My husband used it when we first met and I’ve been hooked ever since!
I’m glad your son has found something that works for him. Acne can be such a terrible new thing for teens. My daughter has tried everything, and we finally found something that works for her.
I want to say I am far from being a parent of a teen, but I’m afraid time flies and I may be closer to it than I think. Love the tips you shared, thank you. 🙂
I enjoyed your tips especially for tweens/teens because you’re being proactive without being pushy. Bullying is such an issue now days and I’m glad there are products like Clean & Clear to help people feel more confident!
I have heard a lot about Clean & Clear. I guess appearance is really important in high school so yeah, better be looking nice. That’s a bit of a shame but what can we do about it? At least you’re helping your kid through this 🙂
Both of my daughters used Clean & Clear products when they were in middle school and high school. We were very happy with how it helped keep their skins clean and smooth.
Thank you for the recommendation! I actually used this years ago and it worked great 🙂
It is so important that we give our teens the confidence they need to navigate the world! I think it is wonderful that you have found something that works.
I used to use Clean & Clear often during my teenage years. They are actually very good. Helped me keep my skin clean and fresh all the time.
I have never used these products before as my skin is CRAZY picky!
Skin care is critical to high school kids. Everything is about self-confidence, and skin problems can wreck that.
I keep Clean & Clear in the house for all three of my kids. They’re all in the age range that skincare is becoming really important.
My teen just bought lotion and shampoo with his school supplies. He is very concerned about body odor
God, i do not miss being a teenager! Good list of products!
Thank you for the Clean&Clear recommendation. My son enters 6th grade this year and he’s deathly afraid of acne.
When my kiddo is ready I will be definitely getting something like this for his skin. I want to make sure, if I can help it, that he can have all the confidence in the world when he goes to school. I will do whatever it takes.