Today I’m sharing I am conquering fear one day at a time, how it is a process, a baby steps on my journey do just Do It Afraid.

I’ve read Joyce Meyer’s book Do It Afraid With Joyce Meyer and it had a profound impact in my life. As a worrywart, chronic worrier and always trying to be positive, but secretly being afraid of the worst, Joyce’s Book opened my eyes on the burden of living in fear and how useless it is to let fear dictate and limit how we live.
Do It Afraid
For me, fear has always been an excuse for the planner, perfectionist, anxiety driven person. It gave me the false sense of being in control, but all my life, even though I still believe in planning, I have learned that fear doesn’t change the outcome, it only brings stress into my life.
My husband always amazes me, as he trusts God unapologetically. He honestly thinks God will provide and has his back and if he must go through trials, things will end up turning out ok.
After 23+ years of knowing my husband and 21 years of marriage, my walk with God and my current life finally allowed me to rethink the living in fear disguised with the responsibility Kloque (look for word for clothing harry potter)!
I started my journey to work on not letting fear rule my life long before I read the book, my journey through a Christian life taught me that the first step to a happy life was to let go of fear and embrace trusting God.
I started baby steps to leave fear behind and plan, organize things, work on my business, build a better future when it comes to finances for our family and even leave a legacy, trusting in the end, everything will happen for my good.
Fear Related To Money
You probably have followed my series while journaling through the Financial Peace Program with Dave Ramsey, which we’re still going through.
You can read more here
We chose that program because it starts with the assumption that planning is a great way to start the journey to financial freedom, but you do not have to do it afraid. It is a trust-based program, which teaches us to use biblical principles to get rid of debt, build an emergency fund and save to live well when retired and even leave a legacy to your children or favorite charities.
Fear Related To Work
I have started revamping my business to create social media/marketing courses, develop passive income, slowly causing a shift in the services my business provides to offer in person and on line modules of my skills and expertise I share with my coaching clients and through my work as a content creator.
Anybody can teach social media, but I believe on the people who are winning at having great reach, engagement and following can truly offer that wisdom which comes with been there/done that.
As we move towards being out of New Jersey in a year or less, I can continue to successfully serve my clients in three States, because my work has always been remote in nature.
The shift though, to a new location, is the perfect opportunity to use my platforms to move the work that I do to offer a new portfolio of services which will allow me to successfully continue to do what I love, working with brands, traveling to share destinations and cars, but also step into new ventures, not letting fear stop me.
It is also in my heart to serve more, offer my language gifts, my love for music, newly acquired piano skills, towards sharing that with a community/nonprofit, event. But I don’t have a clear picture of what that would look like yet.
When the opportunity presents itself, I am ready to start doing it afraid.
Fear Of New Experiences
Last October, I decided to do something I’ve wanted to do for the longest time, I started learning how to play the piano.
I’m no Mozart, don’t get me wrong, but my teacher encourages me, and I’ve started doing it afraid since my husband has been a gifted musician for over 50 years, so his judgement was something that brought fear to my progress, but I just isolated that and kept moving on!
5 months later, taking an average of 2 classes per month, when I’m home, I can play more than 30 songs, using two hands and even picking up songs on my own to do it.
Playing the piano makes me happy, doing things that make you happy should be a great exercise to take on a new hobby, experience and do it afraid.
The enemy was trying to stop me, by putting doubts in my ear and I almost cancelled to play at the event. I clearly heard from God that he wanted to use my new found skill and that I’m enough and victorious no matter what!
Last week I played for a group of women who attended my Christian Community Group’s lady’s tea. It was so great to say Yes to playing for God and no to FEAR!

I will be stepping out of my comfort zone and again do it afraid.
Growth comes with choosing faith, instead of fear.
Fear of Death
I used to fear death. After walking closer with God and changing some major things in my life, I actually do not fear death.
I live every day moving toward my calling and working on things I see I need to work on.
I do live always hoping to be able to meet the purpose of my existence here and being able to reach my fullest potential, but when my time comes, I am ready!
For me fear is the weapon of the enemy and I am determined to not let “him” win!
How about you?
As usual, save it for later!

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I use to be afraid of so many things, but you can overcome those fears if you just try. I try to try out new things as much as possible.