Not what you’re thinking! Ha ha, not that! Karma is a Beautiful thing!
Whether you believe or not, I’ve lived to witness a law that we all live under: the law of attraction and Karma is a part of it.
As a Christian I truly believe that God gives us a grace and as long as we repent, our sins are forgiven. But asking for forgiveness is an important part of the puzzle, moving forward aiming to be the light.
So important to help others and be that person who will help, open doors, share your blessings to be that little God’s helper on earth!
I know, if faith is not your thing, you’re probably thinking why am I reading this? Because I haven’t started to tell my story yet!
I’m here to tell you that: Karma is a B…Beautiful thing!
Today, we will just touch the professional side of it! Here are two examples:
I’ve dealt with somebody professionally who was the general manager for a brand. That person did everything in his/her power to make sure I did not have access to that brand.
I was kept from the brand’s products and events. They even prevented me from receiving an award the brand was sponsoring. Yes, somebody whom I only exchanged a few words with, just once – a very amicable chat.
That person also had a “God” complex, did many unprofessional things under the brand’s umbrella, some things I can’t even think about writing, nor sharing with you.
But the bottom line is that this person left a trail, a trail of unresolved, negative energy!
This past week I received the news that this person was fired by the brand.
All I could think was yes, Karma is a beautiful thing!
You reap what you sew, what you do will come back to haunt you! Trust me, it will…
Another professional example was a network owner – I had applied to speak at her conference, a few years ago.
Instead of sending an email thanking me for applying but unfortunately I had not been chosen; she opted to private message me on Facebook and tell me that she was sorry she couldn’t include me, but “just, look at the caliber of our speakers”! That hit me like a brick, I felt worthless, cried and her message was not only mean, but cruel….I knew for a fact 90% of the speakers were friends and some were even teenagers.
Having that door closed did not stop me, it motivated me even more to continue to want to share my knowledge with people to help them grow!
Since then, this person’s network has shrunk, they almost had to declare bankruptcy, fired all the employees…that conference is hanging by a thread. I have no idea if they have had to use a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Attorney Milwaukee firm or something like that so they can file, but from the looks of things they are going to have a very long bankruptcy journey ahead of them.
I’m telling you, Karma is a B…Beautiful thing!
I know that for a fact, being on the positive end of the Karma trail, that every single act of kindness, every single door I’ve opened for other people matters.
I’ve forgiven those people, forgiven and forgotten, but the news this past week made me want to open those wounds and share it with you, to close them once and for all, hoping you will also, opt in for being the light!
Also Professionally: every event invite I’ve shared, brand intros I’ve made to people who had no way of connecting with such brands, even though it was not done with an intention, not even expecting a thank you – it did and does create a wave effect and I see the water reaching to touch my feet back at the shore over and over again!
Sharing this with you, so next time you’re taking action, talking about somebody…
Next time you have a chance to make a difference or hurt someone, pause and think: am I creating good or bad Karma?
Because, don’t forget, Karma is a B….Beautiful thing! It keeps us on track to “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.
What stories do you have that prove Karma is a beautiful thing?
Have you ever had somebody talking behind your back, back stabbing, doing something against you for no reason? Remember, no need to worry because it’s their Karma, not yours, just move on!
We are changing our stories and how our blog connects with you. We will bring some harder topics and more intimate and meaningful talks to you!
So I can’t wait to hear what you think. Give us your feedback and as usual, give us a Trendy Shout!
Pamela Frost
I have always found you to be very professional, giving and wise. You have always been so gracious to me and never expecting anything in return. I love our time together. Especially in person! Those who have done wrong by you are very lucky that you have forgiven them in your heart and moved on. That is a VERY difficult thing to do!!! Love you!