All the outfits on this post were gifted by Lands’End, but, as usual, all opinions are my own.

If your child goes to a private school, or not, you’re probably wondering what should do when shopping for your teen’s back to school fashion.
Our son is going to a new school, a prep school, which put even more pressure into our wardrobe choices, because we wanted him to start the new year looking his best!
Teen’s Back To School Fashion

Here are my best tips:
Ask Your Teen
If your teen is as picky as mine, he/she will want to choose the outfits or at least choose the style, even if the school requires an outfit, like my son’s.
We’ve made sure he chose the fabric, style and cut for the blazer and pants.
Choosing The Style
Landsend offers so many different styles for uniforms and every day outfits!
You must check them out!

Choosing The Right Pieces
After my son chose the right pieces, meeting his school’s wardrobe requirements, we only had to wait 2 business days to see all the amazing outfits we had ordered!

Yes, I can’t believe my 16 year old is 6’8″ and he’s taller than our large front doors!

Here are some of the combinations:
Fall Teen Outfit

Formal Teen Outfit

Winter Teen Outfit

It was awesome to see my husband teaching him how to fix his tie:

He also loves the Lands’End Backpack, which is perfect for his Junior year with less books and materials to carry, since most of it is done online.

So many expectations, dreams, excitement that a new school brings!
Our son is very happy to start this new chapter, make new friends and possibly play basketball at the new school!
He lost 30 pounds since last fall through hard workouts, so I wanted him to reward himself by looking his best in his new school outfits!

A new season with a new beginning!
You can shop back to school favorites and awesome backpacks at Landsend today!
Savings up to 70% discount on the site right now!
Save it for later?
Click below:

Are you all done Back To School Shopping?
What do you think of my son’s choices? Doesn’t he look handsome?
Are you already looking for winter styles? Never too early to shop, you can check out our favorite Lands’End Winter Gear HERE.
Can’t wait to hear what you think!
As usual, give us a Trendy Shout!
He looks so good! I love good fitting clothing and it’s hard to find.
He’s got his 1st day of school swag. Looking dapper, neat and classy. I know he’ll be so confident.
These outfits are so cool! They are simple and elegant! Exactly what a teen needs for school!
Wow these sound so great! Especially for kids who are constantly growing.
I didn’t realize how tall your son was until the pic with him beside the door. He looks quite dapper in his uniform. They grow up way too fast.
Wow! What a spify uniform! He looks great and ready to take on whatever school throws at him.
My son has to wear uniforms for the first time this year. Land’s End was easy to order from and I know with him being in middle school he will need bigger sizes soon.
That backpack is pretty cool and durable! Didn’t know they had back to school stuff at land’s end!
Wow, your son is so tall and cute! He looks very sharp in his outfits choices too!
It’s hard to believe it’s back to school time already. My kids go back next week and they’re both excited. I love shopping for clothes for back to school. Looks like Lands End has some great choices.
Your son is a real heart breaker I love his preppy style. I love Lands End and it is great that they come in his size.
Your son is so handsome! He looks so dapper in his suit. Congrats to him on getting into such a great school.
Your son looks so sharp and stylish. I love his choices in school clothes.
Lands End seems to have some great quality outfits and accessories, when it comes to school uniforms. Our kids aren’t teens yet, but I would recommend this to any parent who has kids needing school uniforms.