Welcome To Trendy Talk Podcast!

If this is the first time you’ve checked us out, I want to start by thanking you!
When I created the Podcast last year, my goal was to create a space where we would bring guests and I would share my own life journey to help you live your best life!
After all, our tagline is: Where living your best life is always trending!
This week, we had the honor to interview our guest Julia Gandy at our Trendy Talk Podcast.

Julia is a certified massage therapist who helps people live in their Truth with a full spectrum of wellness services that combine massage therapy, interpersonal and inner peace building skills.
In this episode, Julia walks us through the process of understanding stress and things that don’t serve us and teaches us how to develop tools to deal, cope and live a better and happier life by using these tools!
No matter what life throws at us!
You won’t want to miss it!
Click below to listen

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