We all see rage and fear in social media. Sickness, loss of jobs, business closures, plenty of that. So I decided instead, to share 10 positive things that happened in my life due to the pandemic with you.
My whole life, I have worked on seeing the glass half full as a way to keep positivity and gratitude no matter what.
I believe having a positive outlook will bring more good into our lives, so I’ve tried during this time, at least, most of the time to look at good things, to occupy my days and take daily steps towards creating my own happy place, since stay at home is all we can do.
10 Positive Things In My Life Due To The Pandemic
More Family Time
The unprecedented events requiring stay at home and sheltering in place brought, at least at my house, the great effect of allowing us to have more family time and spending time with each other.
We’ve used this time in a creative way, here are some ways:
Family Activities

Being Active Outdoors

It also brought our teen closer to us, he was able to open up and talk about things he only talked with friends before.
So many things and struggles we didn’t know!
Being outdoors as a family made us not take for granted parks and trails.
It was like going back to basics and being excited about exploring a new green path.
The quarantine brought us so much closer as a family!
Learning Experience
I’ve chosen to use this time as a learning experience.
I’ve signed up for a photography course, new online workout options, also signed up for a mindfulness course and a success business challenge.

I’ve also added books to my audible library and manage to read 3/4 books each month during the quarantine.
Here are some books I’ve read: Quarantine Books
Saved Money
I had a chance to start planning new projects and even worked on my finances, putting the amount of unused gas, clothes, gym, salon memberships towards our savings. I have even been able to look at resources like This review to find out more about investing my savings into cryptocurrency and potentially profiting from it. Plus, the pandemic has really made me think about my future and how I don’t know what’s going to happen to me tomorrow. I want to make sure I know that if I die tomorrow, my family are going to be financially stable. I’ve been putting more into savings and I’ve looked on a life insurance website to make sure my family is protected.
Additionally, my husband and I have been discussing retirement more. We’re not at that age yet, but it’s never too early to plan. Our friends have recommended we talk to a financial advisor, similar to these top financial advisors in Columbia SC, to get our finances sorted. They’re by no means a mess, but sometimes things can be done to ensure that the cash you worked hard for works hard for you too. I’m very lucky that the pandemic has actually allowed me to take more control of my finances. There are people out there who do not have the tools to help themselves with their finances so speaking to a consultant or an advisor, as previously mentioned, or checking in with people like the family office, can show them how they can take charge and utilize what they have.
Doubled Our Garden
I’ve planted double of what we did last year and have already been enjoying lettuce and strawberries from our garden.

Binge-watched More Shows
You know how much I love entertainment, so I was able to watch a few series on Netflix, Amazon and Starz, stay tuned for my favorites.
Ride & Drive
I’ve partnered with brands to enjoy new rides during the pandemic and found creative ways to take the family for a ride & drive while social distancing.

Here are some of our adventures: AUTO
Revamped My Business
More time at home and facing a possible income loss, made me rethink my business and put some projects in motion.
It also made me appreciate having multiple revenue streams and how important that is to bring stability at any time.
Understanding what really matters
This time at home away from hair salons, manicures, new clothes and glam made me rethink my priorities and concentrate on what really matters.
It also made me realize I will survive without coloring my hair or getting my nails done, making me focus on our relationships, on our family.
I’ve been on the go for so long, some things got lost in the middle of the busy lives we lived.
How has the pandemic changed your life in a positive way?
Can’t wait to hear what you think!
As usual, give us a Trendy Shout!
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