My son informed me two weeks ago, when I was all excited picking out a costume for him, that he doesn’t want to do Halloween anymore! I was so surprised, since he’s only 11 and I know he loves the whole getting dressed and asking for candy. He paused and explained his reasons: He’s almost […]
Cherished Moments Into Safe Driving
I learned how to drive when I turned 18 and my dad decided he was going to give me a car for passing in first place on the entrance exam for the three best universities in our town! He also decided he was going to teach me how to drive! These are moments I will […]
I’m an American! I’m Home!
When I moved to the USA, there was a commercial on TV which had people with heavy accents saying: “I’m an American!” I never truly understood the sense of the commercial until after living here for a few years! A sense of pride and gratitude for living in a country where my freedom is respected […]
10 Things I Would Like To Give My Husband For Father’s Day
Father’s day is approaching, I sat on my favorite chaise in my home office daydreaming of what I would like to give my husband for father’s day if there were no limits or boundaries. There might be some obvious choices such as the man cave of his dreams in a building similar to some pre […]
A Magical Visit at Epcot #TypeAWDW
Type A Bootcamp was a truly magical experience! My son had not been in Disney since he was five, so he was beyond excited to explore the parks at a much different age, (he’s now 10) while I was excited to attend my first TypeA Conference. We received the Magic Bands 3 weeks prior […]
Stay Connected With The Mamás In Your Life
Every year on mother’s day, I make something special for my mom, last year we designed a special site with pictures from my childhood, our last visit and one of her favorite songs, needless to say, it brought tears to her eyes! This year, I will surprise her with a video of my son […]