We’re all staying at home, having a collective best interest in mind! I’m determined to being joy to my family to make our lives happy during this time. Today I’m sharing with you my Easy International Homemade Meals ideas, for you to serve your family from the comfort of your home.
Easy International Homemade Meals
Why cook an international homemade meals? Because you can take the opportunity to teach your kids/family about the country’s culture and share some interesting things!
First Meal – π§π· Brazil π§π·
It’s my home country, hence, the choice!
I chose to share a super easy crockpot meal you can get ready in 10minutes with the ingredients preparation and not have to worry about it, until it’s ready!
You can find the recipe here:

You can also watch the how to video HERE, hope you subscribe β to our channel, give us a π as well, we have so many new things coming up! π
It’s an old Periscope video, but I will updating it with you on a live soon!
After you assemble ingredients and ask for the kids to help you place them in crockpot, seat them around the kitchen and teach them a bit about Brazil!
Brazil is a large, real big country in South America!
No alligators crossing streets, we actually don’t have crocodiles roaming the city! That’s what my husband thought he would find first time he visited me! π
We have large cities and the weather changes from summer all year long close to the Equator to 40s in the winter down South.
Beaches, swamps, rain forest, breathtaking waterfalls! Brazil has it all!
Here is a picture of the lighthouse taken from my brother’s girlfriend’s boat. I used to live in this town, before I moved here. It’s called Salvador, Bahia.

Brazil is known for it’s music and endless parties which happen all year long and showcase that rhythm is definitely an innate quality Brazilians have!
I’ve never met a Brazilian who won’t tap their feet, when good music is playing!
Here is a sample of the music from Bahia, my home state:
A little bit about the history of Brazil: It was discovered by Portugal, later by Spanish people, which colonized the country until its independence in late 1700s.
It was discovered in my home state, Bahia. My city, Salvador, was the first capital. The native indians were moved to other areas, the same way that colonization happened in other countries.
Slaves were brought to work on sugar cane plantations and later Asians, Germans and Italians populated the South, attracted by the peaceful, fertile soils.
Brazil is a large melting pot translated into the golden brown light skin and a new race of its own resulted from the mix of those beautiful races!
Brazil is the only country in South America that speaks Portuguese.
It is my mother language! Here are some words:
Hi -Oi
How are you? – Como vai?
I’m fine, thank you! – Vou bem e voce?
Good Bye – Adeus
See you soon – Ate logo
Brazilian food is a combinations of Portuguese, Spanish, African, mainly with minor influences from other countries.
The most famous dishes are barbecue, Churrasco, where large skewers with meat are slow cooked and served.
Feijoada, a beans stew, combines, the Portuguese cuisine with the African spices and cassava flour: Farofa one of the most famous side dishes that accompany this delicious easy hearty meal.

Seafood, stews, African inspired meals bring so many flavors and history, making the Brazilian cuisine, an experiment for a lifetime!
I hope you’ve enjoyed learning about Brazil!
Also hope that you share some of those facts with your children, enjoy the Feijoada recipe and make it a wonderful family time during the outbreak social distancing situation!

Ate Logo! See you soon with another recipe and more fun facts about a new country next week!
Can’t wait to hear what you think!
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