Do you have an abundance of tomatoes, zucchini, herbs, peppers and don’t know what to do? I have the answer on what to do with your summer garden, here are some tips on How To Repurpose Your Summer Garden.
How To Repurpose Your Summer Garden

Divide and Conquer
Before you take any action, take a look at what can be frozen and enjoyed later and what can’t. I use my garden goodies fresh as much as I can!
My recommendation is that you cook and/or refrigerate zucchini, peppers, onions, corn, fruits.
I personally freeze some of my fruits for smoothies, chopped peppers, but that’s about it!
So much to do with herbs! You slow bake them and dry them for natural dried herbs.

I also love melting butter and adding herbs to them, my favorites are basil, rosemary and oregano. I put them into ice cub trays and save them to use later.
I also love adding herbs to EVOO and freezing that as well for cooking later! Steaks, chicken, sea food taste better with herb flavored oil.
I tried to put herbs and garlic in EVOO to cook it, but the herbs got mold in them, so I haven’t mastered a way to add them fresh to Olive Oil and be able to use them longer than a week or two.
I tried freezing the herbs by themselves but they turn black, so it’s not a good idea, in my opinion!
I’ve also moved them into a small pot before they start dying. So I can attempt to have an indoor garden all year long. One month later, they are all still alive! Yay!

Tomatoes are some of my favorite things to repurpose from my summer garden!

Here are my favorite tomato repurposing uses:
Tomato Sauce
Just heat olive oil, sauté garlic while tomatoes with a bit of water without seed are being blended. Add tomatoes, herbs, salt, pepper and let is cook and simmer bringing it to a reduction sauce to avoid adding sugar to it.

I cool it off and freeze it in freezer bags enough for one meal.
I only use the steak or big boy tomatoes, the larger one for sauce. The smaller ones go in my Caprese Salads, other salads, sandwiches and chopped in Hispanic Recipes like my Low Carb Taco Bake.

I’m not a person who has room, inclination or knowledge on canning, but some of my friends use fruits and veggies in jams, pickles and so much more!
If that’s you, canning is another way to repurpose your summer garden.
Meal Prep

Plan on some meals which can be frozen, like baked goods, and use the garden veggies and herbs such as:
*Veggie or Regular Lasagna
*Pot Pies
Just to name a few meal prep dishes, wether you’re following Keto or not.
How do you use your summer garden goodies?
Can’t wait to hear from you!
Save my ideas for later:

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Great idea for saving some of your herbs!