Weather is changing, Spring is almost around the corner, so this week, for our #MakeupMonday edition, I will share my best Spring Skincare Tips!
Spring Skincare Tips
Between traveling schedule, temperature changes and busy lifestyle, having young-looking skin at 50 requires maintenance, trial and error and of course, some work. Places like the Victorian Cosmetic Institute can be a great source when it comes to nailing your skincare routine though and make it easy to find suitable products for your skin concerns.
I’m not here to tell you that I’m 50 without wrinkles and look like that naturally, without having used micro dermabrasion or fillers.
So I’m here to share how to look younger at 50, but you can use my tips at any age! So whether your choice of skincare is a Premium Microcurrent Facial Dual Mask or a needle with some botox in, you decide what you want to help yourself look younger throughout the years.
A long time ago, I decided that I would postpone as much as possible, the use of harsher beauty procedures.
I’ve embarked on a journey which started in my late teens, to look and feel young, inside out!
I am so passionate about everything skincare, and any products that are good for my skin. That is the reason why I tend to share small skincare routine and favorite products on my Instagram account. More recently I am even trying to use products that are as natural as possible. Not only for my skin, but for the environment too. We all have to do our bit, even if it’s just a small step. Sites like https://www.naturemary.com/ are great, you should check them out and make your small change today!
You can also create a skincare routine and post it on Instagram to share your experience. Well! To do so, you must have followers who can tell you if they might try and accept your skincare routine. As a result, you may want to buy Instagram followers at first to establish trust. That way, you may gain more followers because numbers do matter! Right? But how to buy Instagram followers? – You may need to look for genuine websites that can provide you with followers’ accounts that do not appear to be fake at all. After that, start posting your videos or reels to Instagram and simply follow the trending hashtag to attract authentic followers.

So many of my readers are millennials, but no matter what your age is, taking care of your skin is more than just vanity, it is actually taking care of the largest organ in your body!
Before I share some tips, I wanted to let you in my best kept secret: youth is in great part, a matter of mindset.
Feeling happy, practicing self care and loving this beautiful body God gave you, not necessarily in this order, is definitely the first step!
Today I will share on how to have young looking skin at 50!
Start with your food and water intake
I drink 6-10 glasses of water every day. Yes, staying hydrated is the first step to great looking skin.
If you hate the way water taste, here are two recipes you might like:

Lemon Cucumber Peppermint Water

You also need to get your game on as far as making good food choices and eating more fruits and vegetables, limiting sugar, fat, carbs.
Now that you’re drinking plenty of water and eating healthy, let’s talk about skincare routine.
Skincare Routine
I start my day with a good cream which is rich in vitamin c or a mild anti aging option.
My make up starts with facial sunscreen. I use a specific facial sunscreen to avoid blemishes.
My foundation liquid or powder also has FPS, because you can never be too careful.
I NEVER get out of the house without FPS on my face. I love IT Cosmetics moisturizer and foundation.

You can find out about my current favorites here.
At night, I will not go to bed without washing my face.
I love Skinfix products, also love Jafra cleanser and their skin line, you can read about my favorite skincare products HERE.

Let your skin breathe

It’s important to let your skin breathe.
I don’t wear make up, unless I absolutely need.
Letting my skin breathe is something I really try to do. If my day is full of conference calls and writing at home, I will just apply my serum or moisturizer and nothing else.
As the weather gradually gets warmer, I change my moisturizer and products to welcome the weather change, but winter products are still ok during early Spring.
I think my most important piece of advice is that you disregard age, really, that is just a number for me.
No it’s not the Brazilian genes!
I truly feel young, inside/out!
That’s really my secret!
When I was in my late 20s, I told my mom I would be 40 wearing a miniskirt and she laughed.
I am 50, still rocking a miniskirt and a bikini!

It’s all about how you feel and what you believe!
Just remember to be happy, follow some of my tips and do YOU!
What do you think about my Spring Skincare tips?

As usual, give us a Trendy Shout!
Nice article! We can take best care of our skin by following your blog. I will keep these all tips in mind. Thanks and keep sharing.